Present across all asset classes and investment strategies, BlackRock can offer investors the option to move their investments within, thereby keeping a check on fundoutflows.
It has been commonplace to hear, after years of mutual fundoutflows from equities into bond funds, that money has begun to flow in the opposite direction.
According to Huw Van Steenis, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, the annualised pace of mutual fundoutflows in Italy and Spain this year has been 24% and 26% respectively.
But according to the fund tracking firm EPFR Global, while most style of funds saw outflows in the first week of February, three types of funds registered inflows.
Much like Manhattan apartment brokers who resist putting their best properties on a central listing service, PE firms use performance measurements like multiple of investment or internal rate of return that make it virtually impossible to compare one fund against another unless they started the same time and have had similar cash inflows and outflows.