Mr Kell, whose brother-in-law served in Afghanistan, is fund raising for the forces' charity Help for Heroes.
Based on his success raising funds, Stevenson observes that fund raising is a specialized form of selling.
If planning permission is granted, the Blue Cross will then buy the land and then continue fund raising.
Political parties matter in Japan, particularly (if not exclusively) for fund raising and election campaign organization and execution.
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The stock loses out on liquidity and subsequent fund raising then becomes difficult.
So Convio was hired to mastermind Dr Dean's online campaign and bring a fresh face to political fund raising.
President Bush won't be the only family member doing some fund raising while he's vacationing in Texas this month.
In parallel to the fund raising, we needed to recruit a great team.
Effective fund raising is not a crime, at least not in that instance.
Mitt Romney based on fund raising and early state organization - have both broken through, so there's no frontrunner now.
But like Sharpton, Kucinich has not won any state contests, and he lags in the polls and in fund raising.
The feature, available at, shows circles proportional to candidates' fund raising amounts in various ZIP codes across the country.
But the option fell out of favor as other, simpler forms of fund raising--including tapping the public equity market--grew more popular.
Clinton combined his New Orleans appearance with a fund-raising luncheon for Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) and a Democratic National Committee fund-raising dinner.
Fund raising is a crucial part of political campaigning across the nation.
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No big outlays, goes the reasoning, no need for big fund raising.
First, unlike Yale, few investors have a reliable source of new funds coming in each year through fund raising or an annual fund.
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State colleges and universities even have controlled prices to students somewhat by throwing more tax dollars at institutions and through private fund raising.
In the second year, the AA would meet three quarters of the cost with the rest being picked up by charity fund raising activities.
Dean was the national front-runner in polls and fund raising before placing third in the Iowa caucuses and second in the New Hampshire primary.
It works because it's fun, social, creative and easy and it's massively more efficient, both in cost and labor, than traditional fund raising techniques.
That would put him on a faster pace than Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, who so far leads the GOP pack in fund raising.
And with their hardball fund raising and campaigning for state seats that year, DeLay's operatives did in fact aid the election of a Republican majority.
In 2004, Internet fund raising became a major fount of revenue.
The move, announced in advance by the Massachusetts Democrat over the weekend, allows Kerry to begin fund raising and take initial steps toward a national campaign.
Through aggressive marketing techniques, and aggressive fund raising, the company is able to achieve amazing revenue growth (and corresponding losses), but nonetheless creates a rather sizable organization.
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Fund-raising for Frank Gehry's new Disney Concert Hall, also in the centre of town, has not gone anywhere near as smoothly as fund-raising for the Music Centre.
When well-performing venture capital-backed start-ups raise an additional round of capital, the valuation of the business is usually higher than it was at the previous fund raising round.
Razoo has hosted many of these community-wide fund raising days.
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Filings on campaign fund raising were due to the Federal Election Committee on April 15, and reporters and campaign watchdog groups have spent days combing through the FEC's filings.