So far, 100, 000 trees in England and Scotland have been destroyed by the fungal disease.
Professional footballers seem as likely to suffer from fungal infections of the foot as other people.
There, they harvest millions of wasps and tons of fungal spores to combat larvae and spittlebugs.
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The outbreak is of fungal meningitis, an inflammation in the brain or central nervous system.
The contamination problem came to light in the fall, when the first fungal meningitis cases were reported.
There is increasing interest in fungal allergy or even fungal infection as a cause of some chronic sinusitis.
The CDC expects more fungal meningitis infection among the 13, 000 people injected.
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"Given the wading lifestyle of flamingoes, perhaps unipedal resting helps reduce fungal or parasite load as well, " says Anderson.
Scientists are currently developing genetic approaches to conferring resistance to fungal diseases and are testing their effectiveness on wheat.
These two recordings show the difference in tone between an untreated violin and one given nine months of fungal treatment.
To export yellow potatoes, farmers need to deal with bugs and fungal diseases, and to produce on a larger scale.
The first two recalled baby formula containing high amounts of aflatoxin, a fungal carcinogen probably introduced via the feed for cows.
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Furthermore, adults under the age of 40 who took regular exercise had a 40% greater risk of fungal infection than those who did not.
The National Institutes of Health, unfortunately, describes fungal nail in less-than-clear terms: Fungal nail infection is an infection of the nails by a fungus.
An Essex tree nursery owner who burned 100 ash trees as a precaution against a fungal disease says government action is "too little, too late".
On average, 30% of Britons, Germans and Belgians had some form of fungal infection, compared with 85% of Russians, and less than 10% of Spaniards.
As the Bt-corn fends off insect pests, it also reduces the levels of the mold Fusarium, thereby reducing the levels of the fungal toxin fumonisin.
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Signal crayfish carry a fungal disease known as crayfish plague that has wiped out the native crayfish from most rivers in the south of England.
The incident began unfolding on September 24, when the department said it was notified about a cluster of six rare fungal meningitis cases in Tennessee.
Mushrooms, in fact, are merely the fruit of a vast subterranean fungal body, the mycelium, which waits in morbid repose for a natural disaster to prompt its libido.
Treatment of chronic sinusitis with anti-fungal medicines has not shown benefit.
Atlanta, Georgia (CNN) -- The company linked to a deadly, nationwide outbreak of fungal meningitis announced Friday it has filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11.
Vince thought they'd be out by Christmas but got upset when a fungal infection raged on Zoe's foot in December, causing it to almost rot off.
Prof Kowalski named the new fungal species Chalara fraxinea - but as the disease spread across the continent, he realised that something was not quite right.
Brazilian orange farmers use carbendazim because it is particularly effective in killing black spot and blossom blight, two fungal diseases prevalent in Brazil's warm, wet climate.
But their numbers have declined dramatically in North America, where a fungal disease called white nose syndrome is estimated to have killed more than 5.5 million.
Henry Amerson, also at North Carolina State University, is using genetic markers too, this time to breed fungal resistance into southern pines such as the loblolly.
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One can have skin reactions and rashes due to a reaction to bacterial, viral or fungal infection or an allergic reaction to medicines used to treat it.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is also reviewing its anidulafungin, a new drug for the treatment of deadly fungal infections that would be given once a month.
Pallimed's move comes after steroid injections distributed by a different Massachusetts compounding pharmacy, the now-closed New England Compounding Center, were linked to a deadly, multistate fungal meningitis outbreak.