• Paradoxically, the authors say, the consumer movement in health care encourages patients to request "the latest and greatest" tests and screening even when they aren't medically necessary, further encouraging doctors to order more rather than focus on the relationship with the patient.

    WSJ: The Health Reader: Listen Up, Doc

  • On May 6, 1995, the President issued Executive Order 12959 imposing more comprehensive sanctions to further respond to this threat, and on August 19, 1997, the President issued Executive Order 13059 consolidating and clarifying the previous orders.

    WHITEHOUSE: Notice of Continuation from the President Regarding Iran

  • Further, the current FCC believes we need more nationwide network operators in order to drive down prices for consumers.

    FORBES: More Broadband Spectrum: Who Benefits?

  • As for the viability of these funds, managers, with the collaboration of actuaries, accounting firms and bankers invested the funds in progressively more risky ventures in order to get higher yields to further reduce the participation of the employers to the pension funds.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Creating further barriers to enter teaching might make sense in order to make teaching a more desirable career in the long-term, but it could easily create even more artificial scarcity in the near term, risking an even wider teacher shortage.

    FORBES: Reforming Teacher Pay to Attract New Teachers

  • Waiting to get our fiscal house in order lets more current generations off the hook and puts our kids further on the hook.

    FORBES: Another Victory in the War on Our Children

  • According to the company, they feel they saw such a big dip in profit because of two major reasons: They did not release a major game until the end of their first quarter of this year, and they spent more money than ever before in order to hire new employees and spread further internationally.

    FORBES: Q: Why are Zynga profits down 95%?

  • The EST report, which was compiled in association with the Open University, concluded that the simplest designs often delivered the highest efficiencies, but it did say that further studies were required on an installation-by-installation basis in order to learn more about what needs to be done in the future.

    BBC: Heat pumps 'need tighter regulations'

  • Fab.com plans to improve shipping even further by doubling its 50-person tech team in the next year in order to have more control over the supply chain, including hard-to-ship products, the company told Forbes in May.

    FORBES: How Fab.com Aims To Tackle Its Shipping Woes

  • Five editions, typically bound to order in plain brown calf, were required over the next 23 years, and more than 400 further editions have delighted readers since 1750.

    WSJ: It Has Hooked Generations of Fishermen | Izaak Walton | The Compleat Angler | By H. George Fletcher

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