Director UNESCO ensured to provide the resource material for further training workshops.
Essentially therefore, millions of adult Canadians struggle to deal with or comprehend basic literacy material and are in need of further training.
They would then be expected to stay working for their local authority for a further year, during which they would undertake further training.
In Wales, the commission said no further training has been commissioned through Core Solutions but it would be delivered if AMs ask for it.
The trio will be back at Bromsgrove School for a further training weekend from 6-8 March, which will include a match against the Northampton Saints Academy.
Of those who have completed the Youth Adult Internship Programme, so far, at least half have found work, are back in school or are continuing further training.
General Allen has made clear that already, in the wake of the incident, the inadvertent mishandling of religious documents and religious texts in Afghanistan, that further training is being implemented.
He went on to win Uganda's National Barista Championship three times, and represented his country in several international competitions for which he received further training, in places like Canada and the Netherlands.
He said there were also concerns the GFSC set its own priorities and that there was a need for further training of commission staff to ensure full knowledge of the areas they regulated.
NASSCOM, the IT industry's lobby group, reckons that of the 350, 000 engineering graduates who emerge each year, mostly from private colleges, 25% are unemployable without extensive further training, and half are just unemployable.
To complete the project, MASI is organising three further training workshops to be conducted throughout 2006, in radio presentation, writing for news and investigative journalism, and will be conducted entirely by the recent graduates from the Training of Trainers.
In the letter, Mr. Cook said the company would amend its warranty policies for the iPhone 4 and 4S, streamline its customer feedback, give further training to Apple authorized resellers on warranty policy, and more clearly post its warranty policy on its website.
WSJ: Apple CEO Tim Cook Apologizes for China Warranty Policies
So far, I've not seen a single complaint against the police or health service that's been upheld with more than promises of "further training" or "words of advice" if you're lucky, which means the few bad apples know they can get away with not caring.
And if you get the A levels, go on to university or go into further training, it affects your life and I just worry sometimes that we're in danger of going back to a language that says, yeah, you're working too hard at 16 to 18.
He began his career as a TV assistant producer and print journalist in Lima, deciding then to come to Britain to further his media training and studies.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Crossing Continents | Javier Lizarzaburu: Biography
Republicans are keen to make further cuts in training schemes.
ECONOMIST: America's jobless men: Decline of the working man | The
That is no soft option: it means 30 hours' work a week, and a further ten hours' training.
But the council carried out further consultation on its training plan and also said more than 300 volunteers had already been trained with more to follow.
BBC: Surrey County Council's volunteer library plan to proceed
The objective is not only to have service members hired by companies, but to ensure that they are further along in their training and performance than most other hires.
FORBES: Sports And Helping Military Veterans Transition To The Private Sector
From the end of March, 16 ECAs will begin working across Lincolnshire and a further 90 are in training to take posts across the region by the end of this summer.
She added this could specifically help medical and military training and further research could be carried out to see if sleep loss affected other brain and memory functions in a similar way.
BBC: Spatial memory works in a similar way in rats and humans
The challenge centred on more than 10, 000 pupils who missed out on a C grade in GCSE English, which is a crucial benchmark used for entry into further education, vocational training and employment.
The case centres on more than 10, 000 pupils who missed out on a C grade in GCSE English which is a crucial benchmark used for entry into further education, vocational training and employment, but the decision affected all the grade margins.
Through this training and further activities, UNESCO hopes to provide an important platform to provide a better understanding of sexuality education, its goals and possible outcomes among teachers and trainers, providing additional guidance on how to build support at the community and school level for sexuality education.
It also called for further action - including specialised training - to prevent human trafficking, noting that "the low number of identified victims of human trafficking is a point of concern".
When the Assembly voted to look further into lifting its ban on the training and ordination of gay people as ministers, it seemed a modest enough step.
This will involve all qualifications it has approved for the use of pupils in maintained schools, learners, and further and work-based education and training, under the age of 19 in England.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Car repair diploma beats A-level
"We will now move further and faster with our strategy" of training Afghan forces to take responsibility for the country's security, he said.
With that kind of supply on the market just seven weeks before the start of spring training, expect player costs to drop further.