We congratulate the Golden Goose Award recipients, and look forward to their future life changing discoveries.
WHITEHOUSE: Golden Goose Award: Scientific Research Investments Paying Off | The White House
Finally, aside from asset management now would be a good time to start planning your future life in this potential reality of scarce oil.
His anecdote centres on the moment Mahatma Gandhi discussed the principle of karma - the Hindu doctrine that you will pay for your actions, or be rewarded for them, perhaps in a future life.
Ms Teather added that there was overwhelming evidence that a child's development in the first five years' of their life is the single biggest factor influencing their future life chances, health and education attainment.
The hare hid in the grass, lamented a little in his own way, then tidied his fur, crept through a gap in the fence, and disappeared into the forest, putting aside his recent grief for the sake of future life.
Prototype a Kickstarter Project : Channel your creative impulse to bring your future to life using crowdfunding.
"If one is concerned about the future of life on a biological time scale, it's relevant to have communities away from the Earth, " Rees notes.
Through the IYB, UNESCO actively brought its know-how in the science, education, culture and communication of biodiversity issues to making the IYB a lasting success for the future of life on the planet.
In his story, sorcerers and fortune-tellers had to walk backwards since their heads had been twisted 180 degrees, unable to see what is ahead because they tried, through forbidden means, to look ahead to the future in life.
What do we currently know about the history and future possibility of life on Mars?
The regulation boosted reserves that insurance companies are required to hold against future liabilities under life insurance obligations.
In the near future Learning for Life and Work would become a compulsory part of the post-primary curriculum.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Exam reform may not affect NI
Kael wrote as if the future of creative life lay on her shoulders.
The operation has allowed Mr Houghton to look forward to the future and a life he thought was about to end.
James Vaupel, director of Duke University's Population Research Institute, is sceptical of the argument that obesity may reverse future progress in life expectancy.
ECONOMIST: Obesity may threaten life expectancy. Or maybe not
If genomic information can predict someone's future health and life-span, neither side has an interest in insuring against anything other than accidental injury.
With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.
All the main players are fighting their way into this area, but Orange is one of the first to establish its own wirefree gaming division as part of a future portfolio of life services.
Anyway, as long as the Davos Divas and the Frequent Flier Anarchists are having their say, I might as well be presumptuous enough to suggest, without any axe to grind, some real-life future Net scenarios for the rest of us.
Acquiring literacy skills gives women a sense of self-confidence and control over their life and future.
The middle class is also far more likely than the poor to expect a better life in future.
Is the range-bound Linden Dollar of Second Life the future model of virtual currency and virtual monetary policy?
The child's immune system can then learn to recognise the parasites and respond to future infections without suffering life-threatening symptoms.
We must ensure that farming is maintained as an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable way of life for future generations.
If making that mistake had prevented me from accepting significant responsibilities in future positions, my life would have taken a very different path.
Clinton Foundation half of his future mining profits for life.
CNN: Commentary: Thorny thicket of Bill and Hillary Clinton conflicts?
The very talented author of these articles (full disclosure, a friend) is also on this Web-stored NPR show, hinting at his future pieces concerning electronic life and the development of the prefrontal cortex.
Ibana: Our responsibility towards future generations is mediated by the quality of life on Earth which we shall pass forward to the future in a state that is hopefully better than when we have found it.
But in the future we might rely on life forms that have never before existed.
It makes me want to keep my digital life separate in future relationships, whomever they are with.