Lenders will demand higher interest rates to protect themselves against the uncertainty of its future value.
Investors buy cable stocks for their cash flow and the future value of their subscriber bases.
Ultimately, the current and future value of the product suffers with each additional non-critical customization option.
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Many are worried about the future value of RMB-denominated investments and want to diversify their holdings now.
Thousands of former BA staff are in revolt against cuts in the future value of their pensions.
So I am not so sure the future value of the degree fairly matches what he gives up.
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That has left some savers concerned about the future value of their currency.
Inflation, even mild inflation, destroys confidence in the future value of money under a discretionary government fiat money regime.
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But the FASB ruled that they should be expensed immediately, because their future value is too subjective to judge reliably.
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The gold-and-Treasuries barbell trade reflects the wide uncertainty in the future value of the dollar and the increasing volatility of inflation.
Ideally, the money and the future value of the work are unimportant.
Low gilt yields, as a matter of arithmetic, also raise the future value of the pensions that companies have promised to pay out.
"It all hinges on the future value of these assets, " says Mac Irvin, chief financial officer for Sungevity, an Oakland, Calif. solar startup.
Between Tuesday and Friday, the dollar also fell 1.7% against the euro, a currency that itself is plagued with questions regarding its future value.
The website offered a calculation of the future value of gold.
When Ben Bernanke hosts the first ever press conference by a Federal Reserve Chairman on Wednesday, the subtext will be all about trust trust in the Fed and the future value of the dollar.
The challenge will be to engage on fundamental reform and return to sound money under a rule of law that safeguards persons and property, including the property right a person has in the future value of money.
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While most boards recognize this duty to ensure that management does all it can to maximize this future value as well as stave off present dangers, in this article, I want to offer a simple but powerful information system that can help boards better fulfill this duty.
This future value is then adjusted (no, not in any mechanical way, each individual investor is deciding to buy, not buy or sell, not sell, based on their own views of these things, the market reflects the consensus of all such views) by the likelihood of those targets of beliefs beingg reached.
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Just as the best way to view equities is as the discounted value of future cashflows, the best way to view property is as the discounted value of future rents.
Even those who buy solely for the love of art and excitement about a specific artwork tend, even in the backs of their minds, to consider the possible future resale value of their collections.
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My purpose in this piece is to present B-B-N as a source of information for the board of directors, and explain how board members can use the information to help management in maximizing the future intangible value of the enterprise.
The interest rate allows me to discount the value of some cash payment in the future to the value the principle would hold for me if I had it now.
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But in the future , the value of principal repayments and government benefits and paychecks will lose purchasing power.
In sum, the driverless car provides Google with tremendous future business option value, all for less than what GM has spent on Super Bowl commercials over the last decade.
For the only possible route to profit is by guessing (you might have very good information, might even be correct, but it is still a guess) on what people of the future believe the value of gold is.
With the parent company increasingly betting its future on the value of its content, rather than the way it's delivered, a digital strategist would seem logical anywhere but in Hollywood, where relationships with directors and actors are given primacy.
The financial markets calculate the present value of future government revenues in order to determine creditworthiness.
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The present value of future federal revenues is exquisitely sensitive to the rate of economic growth.
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