The Rangers had taken a 1-0 lead in the first off a gaffe by Holtby.
If we are going to use cliches, perhaps this was a "blunder" rather than a "gaffe".
In 2011 while Groupon was preparing to go public, it made gaffe after gaffe.
Ms Royal was blamed for a presidential campaign that was seen as lacklustre and gaffe-strewn.
In Tokyo, the government's spin-doctors have been trying to gloss over the prime minister's gaffe.
Labour will certainly present it as the first gaffe of a not-quite-yet member of the cabinet.
The gaffe was picked up by fans on social networking sites such as Twitter.
Mr. Geithner is still pretty well known for his tax gaffe with Turbotax and self-employment tax.
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It is a gaffe from the Liberals which illustrates their utter incoherence on key policy issues.
Should he now be forced to exit the campaign because he made a gaffe on live television?
Hillary Clinton's worst gaffe among several during the 2008 campaign was to lie about Bosnian sniper fire.
The media charge off on gaffe-patrol, while too often ignoring the consequences of what these guys actually promise.
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An early gaffe when he annoyed Harry Truman by going public with their prayer together taught him discretion.
The gaffe, during House of Commons exchanges over the economy, provoked howls of laughter on the Tory benches.
The party has been harmed by a gaffe by Federal Environment Minister and prominent Green politician Juergen Trittin.
It depends on arbitrary things like cable news or virality or if Rick Perry committed a new gaffe today.
'' The French press labeled her ''Madame La Gaffe, '' and the prime minister asked her to withdraw her comments.
Francis says he hopes that even this gaffe by Jackson will help bring about the changing of the guard.
Critics believed the outspoken, gaffe-prone ex-journalist was not serious enough for the post.
The gaffe-prone Mr Fong could still make a fool of himself on television.
This only seems to be a gaffe in the sense that his campaign can't pinpoint when that might be.
Mr Blackett reckons it takes about 10 to 15 years for such a brand gaffe to be forgiven and forgotten.
All you have to do to enter is share your worst tax move, your biggest tax goof or your silliest tax gaffe.
But the precondition for this gaffe started with Scribd overzealously trying to provide services beyond their core value proposition of hosting documents.
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Taking the life of each gaffe and memorable line, their presence is now almost as certain as that of the candidates themselves.
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Since that event, most would agree that little has happened to suggest that Mitt Romney has gotten his gaffe proclivities under control.
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Barring some irreparable gaffe or scandal, Perry will be heard from long into the campaign season and perhaps into November 2012 and beyond.
Then the - yes I will write the word - "gaffe", which was in fact an aside during a rare presidential news conference.
Sunday morning came another gaffe, when Tepco admitted that three workers who been exposed to massive doses of radiation had not been forewarned.