"This is not like doing a gall bladder or appendix operation, " says Dr. Harvey J.
Curcumin may stimulate gall bladder contractions, so caution is suggested in people with gallstones.
However, she has suffered severe side-effects affecting her gall bladder, her kidneys and her memory.
And there's no avoiding increased risks of cancer - to liver, gall bladder and the lymph system.
He went to Germany in 2004 for back surgery and returned in 2010 to have his gall bladder removed.
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He denied it, then disappeared into hospital to have his gall bladder removed.
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Other than a recent knee injury and a gall bladder operation 60 years ago, she can't recall any significant medical problem.
Today researchers are building force feedback surgical instruments for use in simulating--and eventually performing--minimally invasive surgical procedures like angioplasty or laparoscopic gall bladder removals.
The Veterans Administration, one of the biggest health care providers in the nation, is targeting up to six common surgeries for clinical trials, likely including back surgery and nonurgent gall bladder surgery.
Neither resignation is a surprise: Mr Ashcroft has been suffering from pancreatitis (he had his gall bladder removed earlier this year) and Mr Evans's yearning to go home to Texas is well-known.
Popular Scottish science fiction author, Iain M(enzies) Banks, who also writes mainstream fiction under the name Iain Banks (no M), has been diagnosed with gall bladder cancer, and according to his statement, has only a few months to live.
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To illustrate how things go awry, the authors offer anecdotes from their own emergency rooms, such as doctors who focused on cardiac issues for a woman who has fainted, when listening more carefully to her complaints might have quickly uncovered the real problem: a dangerous infection in her gall bladder.
Among the complaints MEDIO received: a man whose entire stomach was removed during what was to have been a relatively routine gall-bladder operation.
He is currently standing at around 1 percent in public opinion polls and has been sidelined for a month recuperating from double gall-bladder surgery.