Well they're in anthro books galore and I'm just sure that you'll adore them.
In America, for instance, there are opportunities galore for funny people--standup comedy, late-night talk shows, etc.
The incident inspired Compton Mackenzie's book Whisky Galore and an Ealing comedy of the same name.
BBC: Bottles from wreck that inspired Whisky Galore auctioned
There was free Wi-Fi, leather seats, overhead lights, tons of legroom and electric outlets galore.
Leadership lessons galore when one digs into the lives of many successful business leaders.
No matter what your budget, we've got you covered, with recommendations and options galore.
That 20-minute spell also featured mistakes galore, but it was Cardiff who suddenly clicked into gear.
The current specifications of the rugged laptop, which has "USB ports galore", are 500MHz, 1GB, 1 Megapixel.
Central banks have practiced this lender-of-last-resort function with reckless abandon, provoking bank failures and monetary crises galore.
There are examples galore of scandal in the antiquities trade, all of which makes reform advisable, indeed essential.
FORBES: There's Big Money And The Need For Reform In The Antiquities Trade
Two rare bottles salvaged from the shipwreck that inspired the book and film Whisky Galore are being auctioned.
BBC: Bottles from wreck that inspired Whisky Galore auctioned
They may be sorry about the damage inflicted on workers and savers, but there is also Schadenfreude galore.
For example, we had rumors galore out of the Eurozone in relation to the trials and tribulations of Greece.
FORBES: Every Move in the Equity Markets Has Been Tied to the Dollar
This year, there are trains galore, and installed capacity is not the problem.
With hooks galore and a post-punk edginess, the band's aggressive sound proves uber-catchy.
Scottish author Compton Mackenzie, published the novel Whisky Galore in 1947, which was loosely based on the SS Politician wreck.
The Galore project has years of environmental assessment reviews before on site construction can start in 2014 at the earliest.
In 2012, Harnish's first trip to California included golf at Big Canyon Country Club, a visit to Disneyland and parties galore.
There are intimidating fugal choruses, sublimely extended operatic arias, frenzied instrumental interludes, weird chords galore, episodes of almost irreverent dancing merriment.
The classic 1949 Ealing comedy, Whisky Galore, based on Compton Mackenzie's book was set on the fictional Hebridean island of Todday.
"It was a grand spectacle, with sermons and flagellants and great unveilings of holy objects, " he said, "and there were processions galore, with music".
Bloggers and pundits galore have noted that no Texas deficit has materialized.
Economic assessments are expected for Donlin in 2007 and Galore this fall.
Fed by leaks galore, the newspapers have lit up with tales of rifts great and small between Mr Emanuel and his colleagues.
The best case at Galore is for construction to start in 2011.
There are prizes and classes galore to help crime writers on their way: Ms Lackberg started by taking an all-female crime-writing class.
All new innovation played to that value, and there were innovations galore.
No treasure hunting adventures to collect gadgets and gizmos galore like Ariel or nature information to go hiking through the woods like Aurora.
FORBES: Is Disney or Bad Parenting to Blame for The Princess Phenomenon?
There were cheers galore from the crowd as Governor Rendell recounted this tale and highlighted Ms. Stiles as a role model of modern workplace.
Both offer a myriad of opportunities and positives as the homes of financial centers, world-class culture, leading universities, sports teams galore and high-end restaurants.
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