In April last year David Turpin, a member of Washington State University's track squad who was attending the school on a partial scholarship, was arrested and charged with a felony violation of Washington's gambling laws after an undercover agent witnessed him hosting games of Texas Hold 'Em in his apartment and taking 10% of the pots as his fee.
Facebook takes a 30 percent share of revenue for transactions on non-gambling games on its service, such as when users purchase virtual tractors and seeds in Zynga's popular Farmville game.
Allied Veterans was founded in 1979 and evolved from a charitable organization that ran bingo games and held bake sales for veterans to a group suspected of widespread illegal gambling around Florida, according to an Internal Revenue Service affidavit.
She declined to disclose what portion of the revenue Facebook would take from the gambling on the Gamesys games, but acknowledged that there was a revenue-sharing agreement between Facebook and Gamesys.
Duncan was among 50 people arrested in a handful of states last week, and authorities said he was a leader in the organization accused of running nearly 50 gambling parlors offering computer slot machine-style games.
He was charged with keeping a gambling house, sponsoring unlawful bingo games and failing to follow guidelines for games of chance in Leon County, Fla.
Speculation has been running high that Zynga would move into online gambling particularly with its Zynga Poker game and its recently announced Casino series of games.
FORBES: Zynga Finds Online Gambling 'Very Interesting' [Earnings Call]
Games developer Zynga has taken the first step to apply for a gambling licence from the US state of Nevada.
Zynga is also applying for a gaming licence in Nevada, home of Las Vegas, in order to offer players a new suite of casino-style games on which they can bet real money, in conjunction with the online gambling firm Bwin.