• And my favorite, chicken tabaka with fiery garlic sauce.

    WSJ: A Bribe-Worthy Chicken Dish | Mega Meal

  • At his rural farmhouse, Mas Trucafort, he and his wife host cooking classes and meals featuring foods that are typical of the region, like delicious calcots -- a cross between a spring onion and a leek -- served with romesco sauce, and artichokes served with Catalonia's favourite accompaniment, the garlic sauce allioli.

    BBC: Spain��s Catalonia after El Bulli

  • But, I had some really tasty, grilled oysters from Tomales Bay that were cooked with a light tomato and garlic butter sauce.

    FORBES: Top Chefs Pay Homage to the Oyster

  • It was juice, not jumbo shrimp spiced with garlic and wine sauce, however, that brought Lin to Saudi Arabia in 1977.

    FORBES: Arabia-Asia: Gulf Royal's Long-Distance Takeout

  • Opened in 1986, El Celler is known for dishes that blend innovative cooking techniques with traditional ingredients, such as lobster parmentier with black trumpets and Iberian suckling pig with pepper sauce and garlic and quince terrine.

    WSJ: Spain's El Celler de Can Roca world's No. 1 eatery

  • There are plenty of different ingredients you can put in your bowl to personalize your creation: Soy sauce, sesame oil or paste, chili, garlic, coriander, vinegar and Chinese barbecue sauce (see inset, above) are some choices.

    NPR: Friends, Family and a Feast: A Hot Pot How-To

  • Now you pair that with great natural beef, short ribs, all-natural pork, all-natural chicken, pure sesame, pure sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, scallions.

    CNN: Twitter chase to hottest dining spots

  • Among the new dishes are roast cod with garlic potato puree and leek and mushroom sauce, braised chicken thighs with lentils, cauliflower and very cheesy sauce and navarin of lamb with couscous and grilled vegetables.

    BBC: New hospital menus are 'slop'

  • If you want to take some samples home to taste, canned snails are sold marinated in hot sauce or in Provencal style, with garlic, white wine and butter.

    BBC: Learn to prepare snails in Provence

  • You could find yourself dining on wild garlic with Welsh rarebit (toasted bread with a hot cheese sauce) or wild leaves with spring lamb.

    BBC: The wild taste of Wales

  • Ammogghiu, another caper-laden classic, is a piquant tomato-based sauce best served with a thick steak and lots of garlic bread to sop up the juices.

    WSJ: The Produce-Packed Cuisine of Pantelleria

  • Wild boar with sweet garlic fries mirrors classic steak frites, macaroni and cheese gets dressed up with truffles and Cuban mojo sauce dresses duck with a side of Alsatian rosti laced with manchego.

    FORBES: Love's Dove

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