Now imagine the natural gas line of homes to get enough fuel to prevent the pipes from freezing.
Every person in a gas line or a food line could be doing something else with his or her time.
Tony Garcia said his niece, a high school senior, waited 12 hours in a gas line on Monday -- 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
"I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that, " she said.
"Early indications are that a contractor doing underground work struck a natural gas line, but the investigation continues, " according to the utility, Missouri Gas Energy.
During the McCain-Palin campaign, Palin's success in finalizing plans for a gas line was a benchmark that her supporters said represented her ability to work across party lines.
While the idea of stringing Ethernet cables from our gas line sounds like something we wouldn't want to attempt on our own, the concept doesn't sound all that far-fetched after all.
But having said that, if this gas line project proceeds as planned, then we would have to provide or compensate North Korea with a substantial amount of money or other forms of compensation.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Press Availability
Earlier this year, when Palin signed off on a contract for a Canadian company to construct a gas line linking Alaska with the lower 48, she earned accolades from Alaskans who favor the development of natural resources.
In 2009, the El Dorado Task Force, a joint federal and state law enforcement effort focused on money laundering and other financial crimes, built an air-tight case against nearly a dozen Con Edison employees for taking kickbacks from contractors that performed gas line and electrical work for Con Edison on construction projects in New York City and Westchester County.
Police, health officials and the gas emergency line in England received thousands of calls from worried people.
BBC: Foul smell complaints in southern England after gas leak
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Scottish government's climate change targets will require some tough choices in future.
In one episode, after Hurricane Sandy, he visits a gas-station line, where a driver tells Bell that the police are helping to move his car.
The National Grid, which would normally deal with up to 10, 000 calls a day to its gas emergency phone line, had received more than 100, 000 calls by 14:00 GMT.
BBC: Foul smell complaints in southern England after gas leak
He believes the company is onto something with their new gas-free product line and he might be right.
FORBES: Outdoor Power Equipment Goes Gas-Free: Makes Way To Wind Energy
However, the hosts then chalked up their bonus point score as Earls speared through a gap on the left and had the gas to make the line.
The situation was especially dire in storm-torn parts of New Jersey and New York, where yesterday a man in Queens pulled a gun while in a line for gas.
The government is also fighting to liberalise the gas market, in line with EU rules that came into force on March 3rd, but against fierce opposition from Russia's gas giant, Gazprom, and its local proxies.
ECONOMIST: Awkward tussles over nuclear power on Russia��s borders
The cruel irony of this is that the entire difference between the legal maximum price and the price people are willing to pay for every gallon that is supplied will evaporate as people stand in line for gas.
So far, ministers have stuck to the line that gas is a privately run business and that government interference is the last thing industry needs (although they have grumbled about the glacial pace of liberalisation in the European markets on which Britain will increasingly rely).
Ford, for instance, has tied its wagon for the last few years to boosting fuel economy across its spectrum of products, ranging from the new subcompact Ford Fiesta to a line of gas-sipping EcoBoost engines that has even buyers of F-150 pickup trucks grasping for big gains in fuel economy.
FORBES: Recall $5-a-Gallon-Gas Scare? That Was Soooo First-Quarter
Approaching Basra, the Tahoe darts around traffic and what must be a mile-long line at a gas station.
But we can develop a strategy to take control of our energy future and avoid gas spike prices down the line.
Extrapolate that problem to the Gulf's 4, 000 rigs (where 60% of oil and 40% of gas production remains off-line) and Katrina's impact will be felt on the American oil patch for many yearsto come.
Extrapolate that problem to the Gulf's 4, 000 rigs (where 60% of oil and 40% of gas production remains off-line) and Katrina's impact will be felt on the American oil patch for many years to come.
Rail services were cancelled between Fareham, Havant and Portsmouth Harbour, after a gas main close to the railway line was damaged.
One family member will go in search of cooking gas, another will join the line for gasoline or diesel, another for whatever else is in short supply.
What this all means is that there is an incredible amount of excess drilling capacity in the system, waiting to come on line should the natural gas price firm up for any prolonged period of time.
FORBES: The Texas Shale Oil & Gas Revolution - Leading the Way to Enhanced Energy Security
Labour said this was a "humiliating failure" for the Lib Dems, who wanted gas banished from the electricity system almost entirely by 2030 to reduce CO2 emissions in line with the Climate Change Act, although gas will be needed as a back-up.
BBC: Energy Bill: Households to fund ?7.6bn green investment