This was true even in areas with high levels of both radon gas and gamma radiation.
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There, the so-called greenhouse gas absorbs infrared radiation, and then sends some of that radiation to earth.
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This says that the exploding material (whatever it may be) races outwards and collides with interstellar dust and gas, producing radiation.
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Cooling problems have resulted in damage to radioactive fuel rods, hydrogen gas explosions, fires and radiation releases.
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Gas clouds in the middle of the galaxy are, everyone agrees, partly ionised: radiation flying through has battered electrons off some of the atoms in the gas.
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He saw that there was an analogy between the radiation in the container and a gas: The quanta, he realized, behaved like gas particles.
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Our star can sometimes despatch big bursts of shortwave and longwave radiation, superfast particles and colossal volumes of charged gas (plasma) in our direction.
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Gas leaks, and the minuscule push provided by infra-red radiation from the crafts' electricity generators, were ruled out.
ECONOMIST: A space oddity
The new work focuses instead on cold, dense masses of gas that have markedly less random motion, and which emit their radiation in the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
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Ordinarily, there should come a point where the pressure from all the radiation emitted by a stellar behemoth pushes back against any further infall of gas and dust.
BBC: Astronomers detect 'monster star'