• The Energy Information Administration (EIA) puts it at around 37tcm of recoverable reserves, two-thirds of which is shale gas and the rest tight gas and coal-bed methane.

    ECONOMIST: Shale gas is giving a big boost to America��s economy

  • The original Zeppelins were based on a rigid design in which separate gas-tight compartments were surrounded by a metal frame covered with a non-airtight fabric.

    ECONOMIST: Pushing the envelope

  • Fracking is a vital contributor to the recent renaissance in the U.S. oil and natural gas supply picture, as it is the technology, along with horizontal drilling, that makes producing oil and natural gas from very tight shale rock formations possible.

    FORBES: Stubbed Toe? Blame Global Warming...or Fracking

  • Hydraulic fracturing pumps many thousands of gallons of mainly water and sand, with a few chemicals, at high pressure into tight gas-bearing shale deposits (hardened muds), creating cracks that allow gas to flow back up the well to the surface ( Shale Shock).

    FORBES: The Fracking Solution Is A Good Cement Job

  • But until the new facilities are up and running, gas supplies will be tight.

    ECONOMIST: Winter worries mean gas prices have gone haywire

  • Used fuel that has been cooled in a spent fuel pool for at least five years can be put into a container called a cask and surrounded with inert gas, providing leak-tight containment, according to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

    CNN: Nuclear disasters: Is the fear realistic?

  • Its profits aren't expected to be as strong next quarter because of the seasonal demand for natural gas and softer crude oil prices, but analysts say oil and gas price fluctuations will not be drastic because of tight supply and strong demand.

    FORBES: Winner Of The Week: BP

  • Every well that gets drilled into shale formations or other tight reservoirs requires hydraulic fracturing before the oil and gas will flow.

    FORBES: Shale Gas Frackers Get Excited About ... A New Sponge?

  • Still, while rising demand for oil should be a cause of concern long-term, economists say the current spike in U.S. gas prices is just that--a spike caused by unusually tight supply.

    FORBES: High Gas Prices Are Here To Stay

  • Busy moms and families on tight budgets are increasingly using mobile technology to coordinate shopping trips to save on gas and eliminate extraneous purchases.

    FORBES: It's The Year of Mobile Commerce

  • Russia is far happier sitting tight and pushing the idea that mothballing upstream investments will reduce volumes in order to put gas prices firmly back on oil indexed fundamentals.

    FORBES: Russia: Shell-Shocked From U.S. Shale Over Shtokman

  • For example, a car could gently increase the gas-pedal spring pressure when the speed is too high -- the navigation system knows how tight that upcoming curve is, remember -- or apply a light twist to the steering wheel if the car is drifting off course.

    CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car

  • In 2009, the El Dorado Task Force, a joint federal and state law enforcement effort focused on money laundering and other financial crimes, built an air-tight case against nearly a dozen Con Edison employees for taking kickbacks from contractors that performed gas line and electrical work for Con Edison on construction projects in New York City and Westchester County.

    FORBES: Is Wall Street Wrong About Con Edison? Probably.

  • My budget became so tight that I felt each expense keenly: The regular bills, the rising costs of food, gas, and doctor co-pays.

    FORBES: Reader Story: When There Isn't Enough

  • By the 1980s the state gas sector that ran the operation was controlled by a classic Soviet functionary, Victor Chernomyrdin, and he held on tight to his post until 1992, a year after Boris Yeltsin became the first popularly elected leader of Russia.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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