It calls for scientific justification before stopping and then reversing the growth of greenhouse gases.
Rather than talking about reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, it talks about slowing their growth.
One of the main items on the agenda was reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.
Unless other factors intervene, adding more of these gases will tend to warm the atmosphere.
It also says that greenhouse gases would fall by 50 percent under its plan.
The U.S. produced a total of about 6, 633.2 million metric tons of greenhouse gases in 2009.
FORBES: EPA Greenhouse Gas Inventory Shows 6 Percent Drop In CO2
Among the questions are: can the Environmental Protection Agency regulate the emission of greenhouse gases?
Australia is one of the world's worst emitters of greenhouse gases per head of population.
BBC: Australia plans to impose carbon tax on worst polluters
Better yet, the carbon dioxide in the exhaust gases could potentially be captured and buried underground.
Fusion produces no greenhouse gases, and, unlike nuclear fission, it does not produce long-lived radioactive waste.
FORBES: A Challenge to America: Develop Fusion Power Within a Decade
Natural gas vehicles emit up to 90 percent fewer ozone-depleting gases than gasoline-powered cars.
But countless dangers lurk: poisonous gases, flooded tunnels, explosive vapors and unstable walls and roofs.
ENGADGET: Gemini-Scout robot can scope out mining accidents, may save lives (video)
Late yesterday, the Senate voted to take out the massive proposal to reduce greenhouse gases.
German skippers fared better, in part because they diluted hydrogen with less explosive gases.
When the Sun's activity returns to normal, the greenhouse gases won't have gone away.
First, "greenhouse gases" refers to several gases recognized by scientists as enhancing the greenhouse effect.
Tar sands take lots of energy to process, and therefore entail copious emissions of greenhouse gases.
Multiple federal regulations are now in the pipeline and involve mercury, coal ash and greenhouse gases.
The United States is the world's biggest producer of greenhouse gases, though not for long.
CCS, where carbon is removed from the flue gases, could be retrofitted to many existing plants.
ECONOMIST: Carbon-capture technology offers a new use for old assets
The rich bear most of the responsibility for the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Our atmosphere is so very thin, and we're changing its mixture of gases with our activities.
Six greenhouse gases are reported on: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulphur hexafluoride.
Reilley, chief executive of Praxair, the largest producer of industrial gases in the Americas.
Mr. TIFFANY: It's perfectly legal but by using coal, more greenhouse gases have been emitted.
The international treaty that limits greenhouse gases, the Kyoto Protocol, doesn't do anything directly about deforestation.
Greenhouse gases, which come mainly from burning fossil fuels, are thought to cause rising temperatures.
There are moves in Congress to repeal or defer the EPA's power to regulate greenhouse gases.
America seems to be inching towards some sort of regulation of greenhouse gases (see article).
Methane digesters also control the odor of manure and the release of greenhouse gases.