And when the gavel came down on that vote, Republicans said they'd won it.
But the guy in the chair with the gavel was Democrat Mike McNulty of New York.
Chief Justice William Rehnquist had to pound his gavel to remind some their time had expired.
Gates' public relations offensive comes just as the gavel is about to crash down.
He was undemonstrative in court, declining to wear a gown or wield a gavel.
"I'm here from gavel to gavel, " said Roy Sells, whose wife, Lee, was killed in the bombings.
Now, members should know that, while in the past, I've been liberal with the gavel, we have many witnesses.
So many senators snickered that the presiding officer banged his gavel for order.
Governments in eastern Europe have discovered the virtues not only of a light touch, but also of a swift gavel.
But at the moment, it looks as if Doha's cause will be lost long before it reaches the Speaker's gavel.
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That business, with the bang of a gavel, was the Swiss parliament amending their tax treaty with the United States.
"We're back to doing gavel-to-gavel, " he said, referring to the old days when network anchors provided exhaustive coverage of conventions.
Branstad was handed the gavel as new chairman of the Republican Governors Association by its outgoing head, John Engler of Michigan.
He held the gavel that day with the same enthusiasm for excellence that made his voice a force in American popular culture.
The main contributor to the fun was auctioneer Charlie Ross, a longtime curator who has manned the gavel for Gooding since 2000.
Spokesman Doug Gavel said the former president was highly recommended by a faculty panel and the university is sticking by its decision.
On successful sales, he got as much as half of the seller's commission, which could range as high as 25% of gavel price.
And now the Clinton Administration finds its chances for a serious foreign policy legacy--on everything from arms control to the Middle East--under Helms' gavel.
The Louisiana Republican, who announced he would challenge Gingrich before the speaker took himself out of contention, has all but locked up the speaker's gavel.
"We'll follow the rules, " Waxman retorted with a rap of the gavel, adding that only the chairman and the ranking member, Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va.
In addition, a producer from Al Jazeera, which filmed the program in its entirety, announced that it would be broadcast gavel-to-gavel (consult your local listings).
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Christie's hopes to sell the whole magilla in one gavel blow.
The proceedings seem to keep Grewal and his gavel busy, but at least your legalese loving uncle will have something to drone on about over Thanksgiving dinner.
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Last week, without much fanfare, Members of the House of Representatives banged a gavel, turned out the lights, and rushed home, declaring their work finished for now.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Congress Must Act to Create Jobs and Grow the Economy | The White House
The prospects for new Internet privacy legislation, an issue that has been left on the back burner so far this year, would improve only slightly with Hollings wielding the Commerce Committee gavel.
Fiscal debates will again dominate Congress' agenda for early 2013, but other contentious battles such as immigration reform will also split House Republicans and could test Boehner's hold on the speaker's gavel.
If Senator Lott and his Republican colleagues can't stop long enough to take a close new look at the whole philosophy, they should turn the gavel and keys back to the Democrats.