• During these meetings, the Director-General reviewed various aspects of the cooperation between UNESCO and Algeria.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • This Framework adopts a comprehensive and systemic approach to education and acknowledges the reality that accountability to deliver quality education and to effectively facilitate learning lies at all levels and in all aspects of a general education system.

    UNESCO: ����

  • "This means that by watching what happens to the positions of the quasars on the sky as the gravitational field of Jupiter moves past their line-of-sight, the scientists can test other aspects of the general relativity theory, " says Professor Shanks.

    BBC: Test for Einstein's gravity speed theory

  • As part of these endeavours, UNESCO and the Ministry of Information and Culture have produced a series of publications and promotional materials aimed at children, youth and the general public, highlighting the different aspects of the rich and varied cultural heritage of Afghanistan.

    UNESCO: Publications on the history of Ghazni

  • "Ms Heggessey has brought an inhouse marketing team to look at all aspects of BBC One and give it a general healthcheck, " said a BBC spokesman.

    BBC: balloon logo

  • The IRS welcomed the Treasury inspector general's report, saying that it agreed that aspects of its original approach in handling the influx of tax-exempt applications was inappropriate.


  • In fact, as the Center for Security Policy noted in a recent Decision Brief , (1) such congratulations may be a bit premature insofar as the report by the Inspector General has yet to be completed with respect to all aspects of the investigation.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Whether Labour can recover to win the general election due by June 2010 is one of the few aspects of its outlook that seems reasonably fixed.

    ECONOMIST: The vertiginous uncertainties faced by the Labour Party

  • Their stance comes as an education committee report backed the general principles of the bill but said clarity was needed on some aspects.

    BBC: students doing exams

  • Behind its kindly general conclusions and conciliatory tone is a raft of recommendations for improving various aspects of regulation in each of the islands.

    ECONOMIST: Offshore financial centres

  • "These billions of tonnes of additional carbon dioxide in our atmosphere will remain there for centuries, causing our planet to warm further and impacting on all aspects of life on Earth, " said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud.

    BBC: Greenhouse gases hit record high

  • Provide authoritative advice to the Director-General and governing bodies on the establishment or modification of policies covering all aspects of HRM, as well as intellectual and organizational leadership and strategic guidance to colleagues throughout the organization on adapting HRM policies to services and sector needs in a transparent and consistent manner.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Director Bureau of Human Resources Management (15/12/2010) HRM-237

  • The general secretary of the Secondary Heads' Association, John Dunford, said he was unhappy with some aspects of the method used.

    BBC: Assessing the value schools add

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