There are over 400 agents in England and the body representing them - the Association of Football Agents (AFA) - is due to discuss the issue at its board meeting on Tuesday and its general meeting on Wednesday.
Their plan was to gain control of Antonveneta's board at its annual general meeting at the end of April, an objective possible with around 30% of the votes.
The company also announced that co-founder David Power would retire from the board after the 2013 annual general meeting.
On Friday and Saturday, the Secretary-General chaired a meeting of the Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB), which brings together the heads of the United Nations system.
That reopened the battle in Yokohama, with CDT staff counsel Alan Davidson and Common Cause general counsel Don Simon lobbying meeting participants, board members and anyone else who would listen to their pitch to oppose the staff plan.
CNN: Group overseeing Internet changes sets its election rules
The bank instead said Tuesday that four board members would be replaced at an extraordinary general meeting on Oct 2.
For the first time in the company's history, shareholders at General Motors' annual meeting ignored a recommendation from the board and voted for two proposals that change the way board members are elected (the current directors easily won re-election).
But on May 30th, the firm's annual general meeting is likely to approve a plan (passed by the board this week) that seems to leave most people happy.
At the firm's annual general meeting in June, Roy Bostock, its chairman, publicly gave the board's backing to Ms Bartz after she was criticised by shareholders.
On Wednesday morning, the Secretary-General travelled onward to Nairobi, where he would chair the twice-yearly meeting of the Chief Executives Board, which brings together the heads of the agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system.
Major General Zdravko Tolimir, deputy commander of the Serb army, failed to attend a high level military meeting on board a U.S. aircraft carrier Monday.
CNN: Bosnia talks founder as key Bosnian Serb fails to turn up
At jetBlue, our own version of this came from Board member General Stanley A. McChrystal, who asked that we hold a 15-minute executive session prior to each board meeting.
The International Football Association Board (IFAB), which decides the laws of the game, discusses new rules at an annual general meeting consisting of four representatives from FIFA and one each from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.