Royal Forestry Department director general Plodprasop Suraswadee and local Fox co-ordinator Santa Pestanji would be named in the suit alongside 20th Century Fox, they added.
K. Chandolia, a member of the Telecom Commission K. Sridhar and Deputy Director General in the Department of Telecom A.K. Srivastava.
Al-Owais, Director-general of the Department of Culture and Information of the Government of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates), and H.
"Things will now improve, " said L.S. Rathore, director general of the India Meteorological Department.
However, the weather department is still carefully monitoring the sea surface temperatures over the Pacific and Indian oceans, said L.S. Rathore, director general of the India Meteorological Department.
The ceremony took place in the presence of the artist and photographer, Mr. Lois Lammerhuber, as well as Ms. Ursula Plassnik, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Austria to UNESCO, Mr. Martin Eichtinger, Director-General of the Cultural Department of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and Mr. Harald Stranzl, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Delegate of Austria to UNESCO.
But ahead of that framework, he announced a review of postgraduate education, to be carried out by Professor Adrian Smith, director general of science and research in his department.
It is "urgent for relevant parties to remain calm and prevent the situation from escalating and going out of control, " Luo Zhaohui, the director-general of the ministry's Department of Asian Affairs, told a news briefing.
Mr Jones, director general of the Welsh government's sustainable futures department said that "we didn't have the triggers to alert us to the problems".
It complements and supplements, rather than duplicates the oversight roles of the Director of National Intelligence, Department and Agency Inspectors General and General Counsels, and the Congressional Oversight Committees.
The OFT, run by director general John Bridgeman, is a non-ministerial, independent government department which is divided into competition policy and consumer affairs.
On Tuesday, FBI Director Louis Freeh informed U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno that someone outside the Justice Department should head the investigation into the final assault on the Branch Davidian compound.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder spoke with FBI Director Robert Mueller and U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, a Justice Department official said.