Prof Harmer said that the NCF had not been aware that the health board had decided to deliberately omit plans to reorganise secondary care - general hospital services - from its consultation document and focus instead on changes to primary care - GP and community hospitals - and specialist hospital services.
BBC: Prof Mike Harmer
At Massachusetts General Hospital, families of admitted intensive care unit patients are invited to make posters with photos so that hospital staff members have a better sense of who they are.
CNN: Healing touch of family, friends aids recovery
Some patients were moved to West Wales General Hospital in Carmarthen, while some received community care.
BBC: Bronglais Hospital ward closes due to staff shortage
Staff at Eastbourne District General Hospital have met NHS bosses over proposals to downgrade services amid claims that patient care will suffer.
BBC: Staff anger at Eastbourne hospital downgrade plan
All special care baby unit and consultant-led maternity services at Furness General Hospital were due to move to the Royal Lancaster Infirmary.
BBC: Furness General maternity unit staffing crisis resolved
Artists are now busily at work in the soon-to-be-opened Margaret Kerr Palliative Care Unit at Borders General Hospital near Melrose.
BBC: Margaret Kerr unit in Melrose artworks taking shape
In December 2007, the trust announced it wanted to upgrade the maternity unit at Conquest Hospital leaving Eastbourne District General with midwife-led care only.
BBC: Eastbourne maternity services' downgrade plans
Ms Stevenson, who now lives on Australia's Gold Coast, told the inquest the operation had been a success and Hayley had been transferred to the hospital's paediatric intensive care unit, where she spent 17 days before being moved to a general ward.
BBC: Hayley Fullerton
Study leader Dr Martin Wildman, consultant in respiratory medicine at Northern General Hospital in Sheffield, said in an averagely-sized hospital the decision to admit a patient with COPD to intensive care probably happens once a week - or two to three times a week in winter.