Or how do you foresee that, alas, it may not work if the general in command on the ground has to go through both the United Nations in New York and the African Union in Addis Ababa?
The new Commandant, General James Amos, took command in late October, just in time to participate in the budget discussions that killed the amphibious vehicle.
I'm also pleased to nominate General David Petraeus to take command in Afghanistan, which will allow us to maintain the momentum and leadership that we need to succeed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Statement on General McChrystal and Afghanistan | The White House
He's the former brigadier general in the Army's medical command.
He also claims all such proliferation activities ended in the 1990s, conveniently before General Musharraf set up a National Command Authority over the nuclear programme in 2002 and promised that all proliferation concerns had now been addressed.
As General Electric's second-in-command under Jack Welch in the 1980s, Bossidy played a big part in carrying out Welch's policy of dumping any business in which GE could not achieve either first or second place.
At the time, Chile's dapper general-turned-dictator Augusto Pinochet was in command and decided that Chile needed a highway to make its far-flung regions more accessible to the military.
He also served as deputy commanding general of the multi-national security transition command in Iraq.
William "Kip" Ward, the first four-star general to command U.S. military operations in Africa, was demoted for excessive spending from duty at U.S. Africa Command (Africom).
In general on the Mac, you can zoom in on any screen that's hard to see by pressing Command and Option and the equal sign key simultaneously.
General Petersen served combat tours in Korea and Vietnam and held command positions at all levels of Marine Corps aviation, commanding a Marine fighter Squadron, Marine Aircraft Group and Marine Aircraft Wing.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts
It seems particularly perverse to be doing this only two months after the Senate unanimously confirmed the appointment to the command of American forces in Iraq of General David Petraeus, an impressive officer who believes that the surge is showing signs of working.
Lieutenant General JOHN ABIZAID (Commander, US Central Command): In terms of foreign fighters, I believe there are more foreign fighters coming into Iraq than there were six months ago.
The force will be under the command of British General John McColl, who has been in Kabul negotiating the terms under which it will operate.
The statue commemorates Waterloo general Lord Rowland Hill who was born in Hawkstone in 1772 and was second in command to the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo in 1815.
BBC: Lord Hill statue in Shrewsbury 'could be wrapped in net'
The 17ft (5m) high statue commemorates Waterloo general Lord Rowland Hill who was born in Hawkstone in 1772 and was second in command to the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo in 1815.
BBC: Lord Hill statue's safety cordon extended in Shrewsbury
Ashcroft's recusal means that Comey, second in command at the Justice Department, automatically becomes the acting attorney general for this case and has the authority to determine how the case is investigated and, if warranted, prosecuted.
He met with General John Abizaid, who heads the US Central Command, and with General George Casey, the commander of US forces in Iraq.
We're partial to General James Mattis, who previously ran the Marine component of Central Command, served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and helped write the Army's counterinsurgency manual with General Petraeus.
After receiving a high school education in the U.S. and attending Sandhurst Military Academy in England, Abdullah in 1981 embarked on a career in the Jordanian army, rising to command the special forces as a major general.
The main focus of the book is Mr Obama's review of Afghan strategy in the second half of 2009 and his conflict with General Petraeus (then head of central command) and Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs.
ECONOMIST: A new book shows a president desperate to find an exit
He in turn was replaced by yet a third general, Jose Villanueva, till then holding a military command.
But Rogelio Vinluan, a commission member, said the general had given no convincing answer when asked why he had not investigated soldiers under his command implicated in these killings.
ECONOMIST: Another dissident is murdered. Is the government to blame?
It was bad enough when, two months ago, word got around that U.S. Central Command's commanding general, David Petraeus, had embraced the meme that Americans were being killed in his theater of operations...
John Foss, commanding general, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (who had responsibility for U.S. forces in the Sinai).