Under the terms of the deal there will now be a general offer to all Everton shareholders.
These health systems have vast room for improvement, urgently need to make those gains, and offer a glimpse of how solutions will fare in real-world circumstances, not in the rarified confines of institutions like Massachusetts General that offer prestige but little insight into how the vast bulk of the country receives its care.
In this context, my administration will offer General Motors adequate working capital over the next 60 days.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Stabilizing the Auto Industry
At least, it can be argued, the general should now offer his explanations and, even if in vain, ask forgiveness.
Most offer general information and avoid getting into specific, complex training techniques.
Daewoo, the Korean unit of General Motors, may offer Proton an engineering collaboration.
To begin, please give us a big picture of circumstances in your Chicagoland region that offer a general reference to local debt.
FORBES: Cook County, Illinois Treasurer Warns U.S. Homeowners And Retirees Of Local Debt Hazards
Here are some general strategies I would offer for starting the process.
FORBES: My Wish For The New Year: Owners Will Bank Their Business Instead Of Bank On Their Business
Then Malcolm Stewart, the Deputy Solicitor General, rose to offer his rebuttal, and a single question changed the case, and perhaps American history.
WebMD does it, but a drug company could offer a general medical site that lets consumers log their medical histories and take them with them.
In general, most financial institutions offer solo 401(k) plans as a retirement investment vehicle.
General Magic's latest offer for creating agents is a software package called Tabriz.
Japanese politics in the run up to the next general election is likely to offer high drama and some surprises.
FORBES: Japan Politics in Flux as Tokyo Mayor Ishihara Resigns to Head New Party in Next Election
In general, most big international gateways offer the opportunity for double-ticket savings on select routes.
Welsh NHS Confederation director Helen Birtwhistle said the health service could not continue to provide all the services currently on offer in every district general hospital.
However, Professor Jonathan Winickoff, from Massachusetts General Hospital, said this would not offer complete protection.
Originally, LPI planned to offer two tests, one general and one distribution specific.
Between them, General Motors, Ford and Chrysler now offer over three dozen models that can run on E85 as well as petrol.
Searches for names such as Brad, Luke and Katie would not - instead more likely to offer websites that can provide general contact details.
BBC: Google searches expose racial bias, says study of names
Around 77 of the 200 hedge funds sold in Australia offer their products to the general public, sometimes over the internet, without officials batting an eyelid.
ECONOMIST: What happens when small investors play in the big leagues
Regarding the expansion of the programme to other sites, the steps taken prior to the General Santander Education Institute adopting the programme offer an insight into the process.
Whereas with smaller companies, contracted and skilled attorneys offer far more business development than general legal consulting.
Both now offer products better attune to the general public, Painvin says, lowering the risk of needing promotions to clear too much inventory.
Some argue the results of the various elections will also offer an indicator of how the general election may go at the end of the year.
The deadline for another team to sign restricted free agents to an offer sheet expires Friday, but general manager Jerry Reese was uncertain Thursday whether Cruz would return during this off-season, training camp or even the 2013 season.
WSJ: New York Giants, Victor Cruz: As Workouts Open, It's All About Cruz Control
The second is Sweden's centre-right prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, who recently refused to rescue a loss-making carmaker, Saab (though when a Swedish-led consortium agreed to buy Saab from General Motors, his government was ready to offer loan guarantees).
Raidious operatives will be able to pick up on a general phrase such as "parking sucks" to offer assistance.
But amid mounting pressure to accelerate the turnaround, Ford is now prepared to offer a buyout plan similar to one General Motors used successfully earlier this year to reduce its bloated workforce and close excess factories.
Sites like EdGate.com and Family Education Network aggregate learning content and offer free services geared toward parents in general, while sites like Homeschool.com, Homeschool World and Eclectic Homeschool Online target domestic education -- the latter two with a Christian slant.
If the Member States decide to offer me a second term as Secretary-General, I shall be deeply honoured to accept.