Basically, he faced a group of general officers from the joints staff who peppered him with questions.
Nowadays, most general officers, at least most American ones, do not see combat.
Kirkpatrick), retired four-star general officers (Marine Corps Commandant Gen.
In our experience, and that of more than 1, 000 retired flag and general officers who have joined us in signing an open letter to President Obama and Congress, repeal of this law would prompt many dedicated people to leave the military.
By any measure, he was one of the outstanding General officers of his generation, helping our military adapt to new challenges, and leading our men and women in uniform through a remarkable period of service in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he helped our nation put those wars on a path to a responsible end.
The Roundtable featured brief presentations concerning the findings of a blue-ribbon studyU.S. Forces on the Golan Heights: An Assessment of the Benefits and Costs, the study was signed by eleven high-ranking, former U.S. national security officials -- including five retired four-star general officers, three of whom served as members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A US force for the Golan Heights? A roundtable discussion
In late December, Syrian authorities handed over the last three corpses to Lebanese General Security officers.
WSJ: As Syrian Crisis Intensifies, Fight Bleeds Into Lebanon
For their part, West Midlands Police say that in general their officers pass on relevant intelligence to Ofcom as the agency repsonsible for tackling transmissions.
According to an Israeli general, some officers have started issuing military orders to their men by email and text message.
FORBES: WTF? Israeli General Warns of Officers Texting Orders, Being Ignored
General and flag officers must empower subordinate officers.
The challenges RL encountered in Argentina are similar to those encountered by many companies operating internationally, as general counsel and compliance officers everywhere well know.
FORBES: Ralph Lauren Outed Its Subsidiary's Bribery and Set an Example for All
And in a phone call with General Allen this weekend, the President expressed his condolences to the General for the loss of the two officers that you mention in the Interior Ministry, and thanked General Allen for his efforts in protecting and making secure American personnel, both military and civilian, in Afghanistan.
As a general rule, younger case officers do better intelligence-collection work than older colleagues, whose zeal for Third World field work declines precipitously as their knowledge and expertise in CIA bureaucratic politics increases.
WSJ: Reuel Marc Gerecht: The Meaning of al Qaeda's Double Agent
He said the lawsuit proposal would "allow New York State judges to micromanage the NYPD" and an inspector general could muddy policy for officers and make other law enforcement agencies reluctant to share information with the NYPD, for fear the inspector might have access to it.
In the absence of an updated counter-insurgency doctrine of their own, British officers have been using General Petraeus's manual.
Other former officers, such as General Arevalo, who are no friends of his but are close to Mr Portillo, may be working to protect the army.
His decision followed a court ruling that the BCCSL could not elect new officers at its annual general meeting, because notices for the election had not been properly issued.
The defections included a Syrian general and at least four other officers, according to a Turkish Foreign Ministry official and a commander in the Free Syrian Army camp in Turkey.
Defence Department documents also indicate that two army Special Forces officers, Brigadier-General Peter Schoomaker and Colonel William Boykin, attended a meeting with Ms Reno in Washington on April 14th, five days before the final raid.
The head of the anti-drug police, General Gustavo Socha, said that several officers had already been retired over the matter and that the anti-narcotics operation would continue unhampered.
"The concern I have is about illegal leaks coming from apparently rogue elements within the Secret Service of privacy-protected information, " said attorney Lawrence Berger, general counsel for the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association which represents Secret Service agents and other said.
And then afterwards, I took the time not only to meet with General Petraeus and some of the other commanding officers, but I also met with a group of our special ops forces.
Since hearings and trials are attended by judges, attorneys, officers from other agencies, the general public, and occasionally the media (in higher profile cases), the last thing you want to do is make it seem as though the officers on your department are dense.
FORBES: Q: What are some cultural faux pas in police departments?
Ch Supt Grimshaw said Mr Fenton's mobile phone signal - traced 11 hours and 39 minutes after he was reported missing - had provided officers with "an indication of the general location" of the phone.
Other military officers sympathetic to the Rabin government's general diplomatic policy toward Syria have made similar arguments.
Why didn't the SEC itself, or its Inspector General office, have access to the compensation of NYSE officers?
In 1989, troops loyal to Panamanian strongman General Manuel Antonio Noriega crushed a coup attempt by junior officers.
In general, their performance was so good it led many officers who served with them to reject segregation in the Army of the future.
Jon Durham, the prosecutor assigned to the case by former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, decided not to charge the undercover officers and lawyers at the CIA over the destruction of the tapes.
Even in the Second World War, when senior officers had it easier than their predecessors, General Dwight Eisenhower was so consumed by the job that he smoked four packs of cigarettes and drank fifteen cups of coffee a day.