Historically, men who get a diagnosis of prostate cancer have been nearly twice as likely to kill themselves and more likely to die of heart-related causes soon after their diagnosis compared with men in the general population, a study has found.
While the average metabolite levels of the pregnant women in the study were substantially higher than the national average, as many as 25% of pregnant women in the general population have levels above the study average.
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That compares with a prevalence of 4 percent for the general U.S. population, according to a 2005 study in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
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They found that the rate of obesity among the women, who were aged 50 when the study took place, was higher than in the general population.
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Fortunately, this not the only study to explore the potential for reducing cardiovascular disease and cancer in the general population by promoting adherence to a set of health guidelines.
FORBES: To Combat Some Big Diseases, We Should Focus On The Basics
The study found that healthcare costs for hospital employees were 9 percent higher compared to the general workforce population.
FORBES: Are Hospital Employees Less Healthy than other U.S. Workers?
Unlike the previous study that was more heavily weighted with minority participants and a wider range of education level, the ACS study population was more white and more likely to have a higher education level than the general population.
FORBES: The Smoking Gun: Women Catch Up To Men On Lung Cancer Risk
The researchers compared the suicide and cardiovascular death rates in the study-- which were very low, in absolute terms-- with those in the general male population in the United States.