• In addition, Sun will release the source code under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

    CNN: Big names plan to pre-install Sun's StarOffice

  • For one thing, the core element of Linux is distributed under a general public license maintained by the Free Software Foundation.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Take the canny software license Stallman co-created: the Gnu General Public License.

    FORBES: Leave It To Richard Stallman To Go There

  • In the spirit of Linux, Agenda is releasing nearly all of its code for both the operating system and applications under general public license.

    CNN: Linux making Mac inroads

  • Peddling is allowed on sidewalks and other public places with a general vendor license, though the city limits the number available to 853 at a time, and the waiting list for new ones is closed. (An exception is made for veterans.) But selling goods from a parked vehicle is prohibited, according to the Department of Consumer Affairs.

    WSJ: Style Keeps On Trucking

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