That made her part of the underground lending system, a general term that encompasses informal lending networks, private investors, loan sharks and others.
You use that term and General Scales used that term as well.
General McCaffer(ph) uses that term and General Batiste and General Eaton.
And I think that's been the downfall of supermodels in general because the term supermodel doesn't exist anymore.
The Norwegian media's general use of the term schizophrenic also fails to match their portrayal of Breivik.
Shigeru Ishiba, an influential LDP lawmaker, says Mr Tanigaki may be sounding strident because he wants to bring on a general election before his term as party leader ends in September.
ECONOMIST: An unusual militancy is creeping into mainstream politics
The alleged conversation supposedly took place during the time when President Bill Clinton was deliberating over whether to ask Reno to return as attorney general for his second term, the sources said.
CNN: Sources: Freeh asked Reno to recuse herself from Democratic fund-raising probe
Dr. Koop retired in 1989, before his second term as surgeon general had expired.
"Our initial analysis shows that the general problem of long-term planetary engineering is almost alarmingly feasible, " they say.
In the short term, the general hope is that QE2 will further lower interest rates, causing corporations to increase investment and hiring.
McCaffrey, who resigned Thursday as a four-star Army general, added that the term "war on drugs" is inadequate to describe his new responsibility.
CNN: U.S. says 6 countries not cooperating in war against drugs
The case could be the last for Mr. Cuomo, the governor-elect of New York, who finishes his term as attorney general at year-end.
The Nasdaq Composite dipped by 2.9% during the week, but the Dow Jones was buffered by an optimistic long-term outlook from General Electric.
This issue is unlikely to go away in the near term: A general election in the U.K. is looming, and the polls are not ignoring bonus practices.
The fact that we now have fixed-term parliaments with general election dates specified years in advance does make it simpler to limit how much can be spent by the parties.
In addition, they anticipate that expenditures on repair and remodel activity will be challenged in the second half of 2010 and expect that big-ticket items will continue to be deferred, in the short-term, until general economic conditions, unemployment, consumer confidence, credit availability and home prices improve.
Mr Windschuttle also blasts Sir William Deane, a former High Court judge who served a term as governor-general.
Our budgetary and debt woes are so frustrating because the general shape of the long-term solution is so uncomplicated.
FORBES: What Congress Can Learn From The Shepherdess Of Elk River Valley
The Administration, for instance, appointed an acting solicitor general for an entire Supreme Court term without ever formally nominating him.
He then learned that the Security Council had unanimously voted to recommend him for a second term as Secretary-General.
If the Member States decide to offer me a second term as Secretary-General, I shall be deeply honoured to accept.
But the correlation is strong enough to suggest a general connection between faulty short-term desire management and bad financial outcomes.
Labour, now led by Neil Kinnock, had still not recovered from years of in-fighting and Mrs Thatcher won an unprecedented third term at the 1987 general election.
It would not be possible to implement fixed-term parliaments if a general election could be called by a simple majority in the House of Commons, he said.
In general, treatment provides long-term benefit, but it's not perfect, and most children with ADHD continue to struggle into their teen years, compared with their peers without ADHD.
Apart from helping along large individual projects, there is no doubt that the focus provided by a successful state visit also promotes greater general economic cooperation over the longer term.
Elsewhere in Washington, the focus has been on the long-term viability of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who is under fire for his handling of the firing of eight U.S. attorneys.
It was only after months without a leader that a compromise deal was reached whereby the two favoured candidates share the job by doing half a term each as director general.
While deficit reduction would be, in general, beneficial over the long term, the sudden impact of the tax increases and reduced governmental spending could shock our economy and the financial markets.
FORBES: Austerity And Bankruptcy Not The Only Fiscal Cliff Endgames
Mr Ban Ki-moon has placed education at the top of his agenda in his second term as UN Secretary General, and at the heart of the new global sustainability agenda currently being defined.