• By developing a general theory of equations, Galois provided the definitive solution to the problem.

    ECONOMIST: The history of mathematics

  • Do you know why the Great Depression hit back in the 1930s, according to the General Theory?

    FORBES: Keynes Remains an Odd Guide to the Crisis

  • Xenohormesis is a variation of a more general theory, hormesis, which interests Suresh Rattan of Aarhus University in Denmark.

    ECONOMIST: How to live longer��maybe

  • Einstein predicted the distortion of light in this way in 1915, as part of his general theory of relativity.

    ECONOMIST: Spotting dark matter, at last

  • In fact, I view his General Theory as a guide for getting out of a recession or liquidity trap.

    FORBES: Supply Side Employment Growth

  • We went through a period of time where I think the general theory was the less regulation, the better.

    WHITEHOUSE: Promoting Jobs and Growth Through Innovation

  • Einstein's general theory of relativity states that objects with mass cause a curvature in space-time, which we perceive as gravity.

    WSJ: Einstein Proved Right on Gravity��Again

  • But that also means that I think that there is a more general theory of incidence with regard to company funds.

    FORBES: Whose Money Is It Anyway?

  • Mr Rajan's story was intended as a narrative of the subprime crisis in America, not as a general theory of financial dislocation.

    ECONOMIST: Free exchange

  • The SKA will join the hunt for gravitational waves ripples in the structure of space predicted by Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity.

    ECONOMIST: The Square Kilometre Array

  • Assuming this principle (without proving it) allowed Einstein to develop the general theory of relativity in 1916, and to describe gravity in purely geometric terms.

    FORBES: Physicists Seek A Divorce: Prying Gravity ... From Inertia

  • One seasoned commentator here suggested as much while making a brave stab at what amounts to a " general theory of South African political rhetoric".

    BBC: Which African leaders can make good speeches?

  • We know that the general theory of relativity is compatible with the existence of space-times in which travel to the past or remote future is possible.

    NEWYORKER: The Region of Unlikeness

  • If Keynes was to live for our time, his economic philosophy had to be untangled from the theoretical straitjacket in which he had suffocated it in the General Theory.

    ECONOMIST: Ideas and the world | The

  • Without such information, Mr. Oster might have developed a general theory, but he would not have had any way to deduce which of the possible permutations actually exist on earth.

    WSJ: Great Scientists Don't Need Math

  • This notion was revived in the 1950s, when the building of a genuine chess-playing machine was seen by artificial-intelligence researchers as a stepping-stone towards a general theory of machine intelligence.

    ECONOMIST: Computers and chess

  • The structure remains the third largest steerable telescope in the world and plays a key role in global research on pulsating stars, testing extreme physics theories including Einstein's general theory of relativity.

    BBC: Astronomer Sir Bernard Lovell dies

  • Though Einstein's framework remains intact so far, "the study is significant for the way observations by astronomers are helping to identify new, extreme cases" to test his general theory of gravity, said Dr. Wang.

    WSJ: Einstein Proved Right on Gravity��Again

  • The general theory is that at some times in some situations, tax cuts can improve economic health overall and actually improve and people are going to write angry letters to me, I know this.

    NPR: Wall Street Woes: Who Gets A Bailout?

  • The irony with the above is that while the General Theory marked Keynes lurch away from Classical School theory, even amid his 1930s and 1940s renaissance (he died in 1946), Keynes still appreciated quality thinking.

    FORBES: Keynes, White, And The Battle Of Bretton Woods

  • Although Riemann, who died at the age of only 39, also laid the foundations in geometry for Einstein's general theory of relativity, his paper on prime sattracted little attention in the decades after it was first published.

    ECONOMIST: Mathematics

  • One of his great achievements since then, together with mathematician Roger Penrose, has been to prove that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity means space and time has a beginning in the "Big Bang" and ends in black holes.

    CNN: Ask Stephen Hawking a space question

  • This exploits one of the predictions of Einstein's general theory of relativity: that the path of a beam of light (which is a straight line in empty space) is bent inwards by the gravity of a massive object.

    ECONOMIST: Cosmology: I spy with my little gravitational lens | The

  • But Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder expands on the concepts in Fooled and its follow-up The Black Swan and goes far beyond financial markets into a more general theory of randomness and volatility and their importance in life and nature.

    FORBES: Nassim Taleb's 'Antifragile' Celebrates Randomness In People, Markets

  • When John Maynard Keynes formulated his general theory of government deficit spending as a counterbalance to lower private demand in times of economic slowdown, he probably did not assume that the government had already been running years of massive deficits with no end in sight leading to enormous accumulated debt relative to GDPs.

    FORBES: The Bailout Mentality -- The REAL "New Normal"

  • "From Einstein's theory of gravity, that is his general relativity theory, we believe mass curves space and this can cause light to follow a curved path, " he told BBC News Online.

    BBC: Test for Einstein's gravity speed theory

  • Not the least harmful effect of this particular theory is the present isolation of the theory of money from the main body of general economic theory.

    FORBES: Do Austrians Believe in Aggregate Demand?

  • Neither Sapir nor Whorf formulated a definitive version of the hypothesis that bears their names, but in general the theory argues that the language we speak actually shapes our experience of reality.

    NEWYORKER: Utopian for Beginners

  • According to the ASU website, Professor Prescott has altered the course of macroeconomic thinking over the past three decades with his research that spans such areas as business cycles, economic development and general equilibrium theory and finance.

    FORBES: Prof. Edward C. Prescott On China

  • "This means that by watching what happens to the positions of the quasars on the sky as the gravitational field of Jupiter moves past their line-of-sight, the scientists can test other aspects of the general relativity theory, " says Professor Shanks.

    BBC: Test for Einstein's gravity speed theory

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