The EU would remove tariffs and quotas, reinstating the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP).
This generalised loss of confidence was many steps beyond the root cause of the crisis.
The church as a whole is desperate to avoid a generalised confrontation between Islam and the Christian West.
Given the potential for the accidental introduction of contaminant DNA into this experiment, the conclusions cannot be safely generalised.
FORBES: Big Study Linking Chronic Fatigue To Virus May Be Fatally Flawed
This is just a special case of my regular and more generalised whine.
And he increasingly expresses his personal professions of faith in the generalised sort of language that is calculated to please everybody.
Dr Saari's results can also be generalised for elections with more than three candidates using more complicated, but closely related symmetries.
Such generalised allegations on their own might not have been enough to start a challenge to Mr Blatter, but there was more.
Deference, the coping mechanism now spurned in Britain, lives on in a surprising number of places, happily co-existing with a generalised contempt for politicians.
ECONOMIST: British distrust for politicians is peculiarly dangerous
The legislation "would add to the generalised trend towards secrecy, fear and intimidation growing in South Africa today", the group said in a statement.
While few took his religious pretensions seriously, this message meshed with a growing sense among Muslims, fanned assiduously by a resurgent fundamentalist movement, of thwarted ambitions and generalised victimhood.
"In the unlikely event that a generalised shortage of offshore renminbi liquidity emerges, the Bank will have the capability to provide renminbi liquidity to eligible institutions in the UK, " he said.
This concept has been generalised by a number of wireless-software firms into the idea of digital graffiti messages that can be posted using a handset, and which correspond to a particular location.
They are over-generalised, inaccurate, and resistant to new information.
And whereas a generalised pay cut might make the best workers leave, and a selective one damage morale because it is seen as unfair, firms can often lay off their least competent staff.
Although the researchers did not explicitly examine the health of their simian charges, chronic, generalised inflammation is a risk factor, in people, for a long list of ailments ranging from heart trouble to Alzheimer's disease.
Rather, he wants us to engage with a dual problem of aesthetics and faith: a problem which came to a head in the dispute among eighth- and ninth-century Christians known as the iconoclastic controversy, but which can be readily generalised.
Generalised subsidies are being replaced with carefully directed ones: for instance, some 1.5m of the poorest families can get a free tortilla ration by swiping cards through an electronic reader at their local tortilleria, where previously the height of technology was the gas-powered tortilla-squashing machine.
"You have to look at each patent on a case-by-case basis, and the fact that one case has been ruled to be too 'obvious' to enforce should not be generalised to mean all of Kodak's other patents are invalid, " said Ilya Kazi from the UK's Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys.
Or it is a generalised, defensive fear: globalisation, say, or the arrival of Europe's single currency, are changing the economic landscape and making firms' lives more uncertain creating a strong incentive for the insecure to leap into bed with one another, the better to prevent their beds from being taken away altogether.
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