Generals are not the only ones guilty of trying to fight the last war.
Mr. ALAM: Going by how the military generals find votes in Pakistan, he will go totalitarian.
Many of his top generals loathe him almost as much as Colin Powell's people do.
But the PAD's backers include several hardline generals who are determined to topple the prime minister.
Jumble up the political pieces enough, argue some observers, and the generals could change sides.
Civil engineers don't command the renown of statesmen, astronauts or generals, but maybe they should.
And both press and public have become quicker to denounce misbehaviour by generals, politicians and bureaucrats.
" "Bradley professed that 'the one quality all great generals had in common was their understanding.
Shaukat Qadir, who taught many senior Pakistani generals at the country's National Defence University.
His remarks seemed to be aimed largely at the generals commanding Iraq's 10 army divisions.
In fact, Pakistan's generals have consistently employed Islamist militants as proxies, from 1947 onwards.
Turkey is a more complex place than it was when the generals seized power in 1980.
The generals are also betting that their provocations will not make foreign businessmen jittery.
The Generals drew 53, 307 for their home opener, then followed with a solid crowd of 41, 218.
Generals and admirals hold a special place within American society, as professionals who are above politics.
Look what they have already done to other generals who didn't play their game.
American generals have been surprised and gratified by their allies' grit in a largely thankless task.
An eventual ceasefire left Hizbullah claiming victory and Israel's generals and politicians locked in recrimination.
Unfortunately, the generals and factory bosses have held their own in the initial skirmishing.
Rather than dissolve branches of the old security apparatus, the generals have just renamed them.
WSJ: Authoritarian Rulers Get Subtler: Putin, Chavez, China's Chiefs
Pakistani generals have all the right in the world to refuse to do so.
The ruling generals used Saturday's final ceremony to justify their often chaotic and violent transitional rule.
How many more, and for how long, must be for the generals to decide.
Admirals and generals have often found themselves at odds with the populations of democratic countries.
Mr. NAYLOR: Well, I talked to several retired and active duty generals about that.
For years both Islamist and liberal generals have also backed jihadists fighting for a Muslim Kashmir.
Banning Mr Erdogan could have precisely the opposite effect to what the generals intended.
In January 1999, they were frozen for four months, until Mr Pastrana sacked two generals.
For months, Egypt's council of ruling generals has expressed suspicion of Westerners in Egypt.
Many of the other generals who have spoken out about their concerns use that term.