At that time, Forest was developing an instrument for genetic analysis involving thousands of glass tubes.
In other words, genetic analysis could help to ensure that the right treatment is prescribed.
This genetic analysis saved millions of gallons of groundwater that otherwise would have had to go down the drain.
In addition, genetic analysis revealed the presence of new pathogens, never before sequenced.
The result, when combined with new techniques of genetic analysis, has been a revolution in the understanding of humanity's past.
Still, preliminary genetic analysis shows that the virus strains isolated from patients in California are identical to those seen in severely ill Mexican patients.
The plant's leaves were added to the group's collection of about 75 wild coffee samples pressed between wooden racks to preserve them for genetic analysis.
Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. is engaged in the development, manufacture and commercialization of its single molecule, real-time, or SMRT technology-an integrated platform for genetic analysis.
However, the researchers managed to produce two healthy baby mice from heated sperm, and genetic analysis suggested that no damage to the DNA had been suffered.
The genetic analysis also showed the strain was resistant to the first choice antibiotic, chloramphenicol, which means more expensive drugs would be needed to treat the infection.
The study's genetic analysis was carried out using conventional chemical techniques, which make it possible to spot the presence of two or three genes in a particular sample.
That will make it possible for dozens more research projects, like high energy physics, genetic analysis and nanotechnology modeling, by groups of scientists accessing the grid through the Internet.
The power of this type of genetic analysis was demonstrated earlier this year when a study of 2, 000 breast cancers showed the cancer should be thought of as 10 completely separate diseases.
Getting such powerful genetic analysis in over 200, 000 genetic variants in 200, 000 people is tricky but necessary and this is now starting to yield powerful tools to personalise treatment and aid prevention of coronary artery disease.
BBC: Results of Tayside gene tests help find heart disease link
Genetic analysis led by a team at Sweden's Uppsala University found that the woman closely resembled modern-day Southern Europeans and had many genetic differences from three hunter-gatherers living at the same time in Sweden and buried nearby.
WSJ: Migrations Spurred Agriculture Spread, Studies Indicate
The team carried out a preliminary genetic analysis of the backcross mice, and showed that the propensity to dig long burrows is actually due to changes in three genetic regions, with a fourth region controlling the escape route behaviour.
They carried out the first genome-wide analysis of the genetic variation between different regions of the same tumour using samples of kidney cancer.
One finding of this technique, which is known as genome-wide complex-trait analysis, is that many of the same genetic factors seem to explain why people differ in intelligence in childhood and old age.
Their analysis showed that bad behaviour without psychopathy has relatively little genetic component less than a third.
At the time scientists inside and outside the EPA unanimously agreed that the test posed negligible risk. (I wrote the analysis submitted by the Food and Drug Administration.) No new genetic material had been added--only a single gene whose function was well known had been removed--and the organism was obviously harmless.
It was more common for identical twins to both have Alzheimer's compared to non-identical, and a statistical analysis of risk rates in the groups gave the researchers their estimate of how significant genetic factors are.
To avoid that issue, Dr. Muller envisions the technology as part of a strategy in which people would first be identified as at risk through a genetic test and a noninvasive imaging test such as a CT scan before being referred for the spectroscopy analysis.