• The researchers found evidence to suggest that children born to veterans were more likely to suffer malformations of genitals and the renal system.

    BBC: There were differences in miscarriage rates

  • To test Semenya's gender, Dr. Bowen-Simpkins said the IAAF test would involve her being examined by a gynecologist to see what her genitals look like.

    CNN: Gender row athlete: What is intersexuality?

  • In an interview conducted in Arabic on Dutch TV's Eenvandaag programme, Dr Alhajouj said the Libyan authorities had drugged him and attached electrodes to his feet and genitals.

    BBC: Freed doctor 'tortured in Libya'

  • It may be provoked by infection with Chlamydia trachomatis, a sexually transmitted denizen of the genital tract, and Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma fermentans, two other inhabitants of the genitals.

    ECONOMIST: Bugged by disease | The

  • An estimated 16% of U.S. adults are infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), which can cause bumps, blisters, or sores on the genitals and surrounding areas, along with pain and itching.

    CNN: Symptom-free herpes contagious 10% of the time

  • For more than half a century it was common for doctors to carry out reversal operations, either through castration or constructing a new vagina, on babies whose genitals were seen as either too big or too small.

    CNN: Gender row athlete: What is intersexuality?

  • The city has sought to have the suit dismissed, arguing that sex as recorded on the birth certificate refers to biological and physical characteristics like the nature of the genitals, while the lived experience of socially constructed roles are gender, a separate category.

    BBC: Transgender Americans take on New York

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