He teaches us that skill and force are not exclusive to gentleness or kindness.
The movie is so infantile that it achieves a special kind of purity and gentleness.
Spacey, after a long career of playing acidulous bad guys, gives a performance of surprising gentleness.
It was not obtained by love or gentleness but, necessarily, by concessions on steel, textiles and more.
These are two issues of enormous sensitivity, requiring all the strength and gentleness that Ms Yingluck can muster.
She neither smiled nor cried, but stared at me with a peculiar gentleness, as if I were a kind of nourishment.
He is getting to his feet and standing there speaking to her, touching her, with such mildness and gentleness and consolation.
Which gives it a spiritual quality that responds to gentleness and reflection.
Thanksgiving has a strength and gentleness that transcends our daily lives and reminds all of us how specially blessed we all are.
Likely, given his history with Zwelish already, Blondy knew it was reckless, though he did it wholly in gentleness and out of sheer enthusiasm.
Tamara Wilson sounded lovely as the unhappy Elisabeth, combining power and gentleness (her softly floated high notes in her final aria were especially fine).
The downside of his appealing gentleness is a sort of moral passivity that makes him blindly accepting of the world and his place in it.
When it comes to choosing toppings, always aim for a balance of textures and flavors, mingling salty elements with creamy ones, crunch with softness, gentleness and heat.
Compassion is a deeper and more comprehensive construct, encompassing such virtues as love, humility, kindness, gentleness, generosity, and an innate awareness that all of existence is intricately interconnected.
The police, not usually renowned for their gentleness, were politeness personified as they shepherded millions of pilgrims down to the river banks, keeping them in orderly queues, and insured their safety while bathing.
Michael Wilson, a noted director of Foote and Tennessee Williams, lets the words and action flow with a genuine gentleness and respect that allows each eye roll, shuffle and sigh to have its maximum impact.
Who sit on park benches and are reminded that wisdom, beauty and gentleness speaks in the guise of a duck who asks only to be given a little fresh water and a place to raise her young.
Robert Redford hired him as an advisor when "The Horse Whisperer" was going into production and, as the movie's director and star recalls in Ms. Meehl's documentary, ended up modeling much of his character on Buck's gentleness and humanity.
Although many liberal Catholics were impressed by the gentleness of Benedict's style as Pope - another of his surprises - the conservative views he adopted in the aftermath of the 1960s student revolutions had a profound impact on his pontificate.
He is depressed by what he sees as a nation reverting to type after a period of gentleness - brought on originally by the Depression and the New Deal politics that came after it - which suggested to Americans that in good economic times they could afford to help each other out.