It will be in some other area, maybe even another geographic area, like Asia.
Most of the hyperlocal sites focus exclusively on a community in a tight geographic area.
One 800 Mhz cell site can propagate a signal across an extensive geographic area.
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They simply must own a residence and work in the geographic area where they have a visa.
The only geographic area to disappoint, albeit not too badly, was the U.S. Comparable sales were 3.1%.
Is forcing someone to work in a particular geographic area worse than forcing them to work for a particular employer?
He had developed a way of using recording and telecommunications technology to contact almost everyone in any geographic area instantaneously.
These magnificent works came from a vast geographic area, which includes present-day Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, India, Spain and Morocco.
Instead, we concentrated our efforts and resources to make a big impact on a small population within a condensed geographic area.
FORBES: Using Search and Social Strategically to Win New Business
From the outset it was clear that offering discount coupons within a particular geographic area was a very easy entry business.
There are around 213, 000 hectares of vines in California, scattered across more than 965 kilometers of a vastly complex geographic area.
Pollick is using the model of a community foundation, where charities in a geographic area operate as a single tax-exempt entity.
Petitions must specify the geographic area for which HIDTA designation is requested.
WHITEHOUSE: HIDTA Designation Process & Authorizing Language
The report also talks about denial of service attacks which could render communications difficult or impossible within a localized or larger geographic area.
FORBES: Free Speech v. Denial Of Communications For Public Safety Agencies?
First, take a geographic area and build a firewall around it.
Sandy affected a broader geographic area than most storms, hitting a bigger population and a range of industries from manufacturing and finance to retail and shipping.
Administaff executives denied any one geographic area was to blame.
Mr Cook said that one way round it would be if the freed-up space on individual transmitters was sold to new local television stations, which only broadcast within a limited geographic area.
That policy started with the CRA, which required banks to lend throughout the entire geographic area in which they operate, including the poorest neighborhoods where qualification for credit under traditional standards was quite limited.
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Rdio is the launch partner for this new tablet in the US and continues as the featured partner for SoundHound's interactive mapping feature that allows users to see what songs have been recently SoundHound'ed in their geographic area.
ENGADGET: SoundHound now scavenging tunes in more tablet-friendly Android version
There are other clinical studies of Souvenaid going on of 500 participants each, and the company plans to do an "early experience program" of selling the product in a small geographic area in the United States, having it available in pharmacies, he said.
CNN: Nutritional drink, imaging show promise for Alzheimer's
Many of the scholarships you find will be very specific, only for students from a particular background, geographic area, or profession, like the Nadeen Burkeholder Williams Music Scholarship, which is for a K-12 teacher pursuing a graduate degree who either teaches music or uses music as a method of teaching another subject.
So the complexity of both picking a plan from among anywhere from 50 to 80 plans within a given geographic area, to making sure that plan provides all of the medications or covers all the medications that you might be taking, that's very complicated, and it's uncertainly unnecessary complication for a population with these challenges.
The milk must come entirely from cows living within the legally defined geographic production area for Parmigiano-Reggiano (around the towns of Parma and Reggio).
But the actual effect, according to Glenn Pascall, an economist, has been to enfeeble King County, the only body in the greater Seattle area with the geographic scope to deal effectively with transport and other regional issues.
The most notable part of this reorganization was to centralize research on a particular disease area, like cancer or neuroscience, in a particular geographic lab.
Those required 56% of their mortgages to individuals with below-average income, 27% of their mortgages to be granted to families with incomes at or below 60% of area median income, and 35% of their mortgages go to geographic areas deemed to be underserved.
FORBES: Media Parrot Obama Financial Crisis Campaign Propaganda
In geographic terms, it spans all or portions of 25 Texas counties, covering an area roughly the size of the State of West Virginia.
Unlike the USA, which has been a well-established federation on roughly the same geographic map over a century, EU is still a collection of states in an area where ethnic diversities, racial differences, ideology and economic antagonism have changed the map several times.