And the authors adjusted their results for race, age, income, education, and geography, among other factors.
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Geography is a mostly fixed lens, a constant that lets you trace seamless stories across time.
The other petition was started by geography teacher Margaret Hunter on the 38 Degrees website.
BBC: Keep climate change lessons in curriculum, urge petitions
These other factors could be related to a child's climate, diet or geography-specific infections.
In future lists, we will attempt to go deeper on language, culture, and geography.
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Geography thus insulates them, to some extent, from the consequences of high corporate taxes.
"Geography has made us neighbors, tradition has made us friends, " Pena Nieto said in Spanish.
It's not just in terms of geography that we will not accept no-go areas.
By geography, sales fell 2 percent in developed markets, which account for two-thirds of sales.
After all, lower taxes, job availability, housing prices and geography are all draws for interstate migrants.
Las Vegas had a population of 70, 000 when I studied geography in the fifth grade.
Like California's hardest-hit cities, the foreclosure mecca's climate and geography serve as incubators for airborne toxins.
Your aging parent is socially isolated, due to losses, by geography or by choice.
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Geography also relates to happiness, with people living in Hawaii and California among the happiest.
No child should be trapped in a failing school just because of geography or financial circumstance.
The first one came from a man who identified himself sardonically as the Geography Teacher.
Choosing a college involves a complex mix of variables, including course offerings, geography and overall fit.
He describes the harder geography of the area very beautifully and in a dramatic way.
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Granted, the weight to assign to them will differ from your industry and geography.
Smart companies are recognizing this new geography and incorporating it into new strategies and business models.
You might think that distance and geography would be marginal considerations for tech firms.
Another answer may be that you are limited by the geography of your operations.
The joint major in anthropology and geography says her company, Skida, has been profitable since 2009.
The only problem with the addition of TCU besides geography is an unwieldy 17-team basketball conference.
Once again, please forgive the narrow slant of this email, both in content and geography.
It cannot be, since, thanks to its geography, the country remains a strategic pivot.
In this sense, the argument for the primacy of geography is always an argument about trains.
DASA's falling-out with the British has coincided with a change in the geography of defence deals.
Exclusivity is often part of strategic arrangements, whether by product line, market or geography.
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The geography too is difficult: few routes run across the mountainous borders of Kosovo.