Sure he made George Clinton and Michael Jackson and Prince and Justin Timberlake and thousands of studio musicians possible.
George Clinton, for example, lost all rights to his 1970s hits in a court fight with Bridgeport owner Armen Boladian.
Eventually he took his jazz-funk sound to the influential George Clinton band.
Even after his death in 1970, Hendrix continues to leave his mark on the music world, influencing legends such as George Clinton and Miles Davis.
And, most recently, a federal appeals court holds a film studio liable for a soundtrack tune that includes a three-note guitar lick from a recording by 1970s funkster George Clinton.
Since working with James Brown, the saxophonist has gone on to make quite a name for himself, playing with a wide range of artists, including George Clinton, Prince, Bryan Ferry, Keith Richards, and The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, abetted by Congress, trumpeted that rise as it occurred.
That might be one reason why former and sitting governors--like Carter, Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush--have found success.
The others - Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush - all had major events that undermined their political standing.
Within minutes, I was on the phone with Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos.
Attending the gathering from the White House kitchen is Cristeta Comerford, chef to Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and now Barack Obama.
Clinton and George W. Bush and in 2001 President George W. Bush appointed Mr. Hybl as the U.S. Representative to the 56th General Assembly of the United Nations.
None of the suits mention Congress or the administrations of George Bush and Bill Clinton, who pushed hard for lenders to increase the availability of subprime credit.
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Whether Roosevelt, Nixon, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, every second-term president must in time come to grips with the reality that it can't be about just his agenda or just him.
Mr Obama's picks may be one reason why the approval rating of his transition is high, according to polls, and well above that of George Bush or Bill Clinton at similar points.
Truman, Bill Clinton and George Bush too.
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Having said that, Christie knows that he still has massive amounts of work to do in New Jersey, and governors who have had multiple terms in their states (Bill Clinton, George W. Bush to name a few) have gone on to have two-term presidencies.
To find out what role Syria may play in any diplomatic solution to the ongoing fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, we now talk to Theodore Kattouf, who has served as a diplomat in the Middle East under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
The legal mechanics will in fact be the same as they were for George W. Bush, Bill Clinton before him and their predecessors dating to 1789 when George Washington stood on Wall Street in New York City and first took the oath of office.
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On ABC, former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos -- who we're sure has become an entirely impartial observer in the, what, three minutes he's been a journalist -- notified us that the Gore camp is thrilled with the bump Lieberman has given the campaign, which evidently is noticeable everywhere but in the polls.
At the time most Democrats were opposed to the agreement, which Mr Clinton inherited from George Bush.
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Reform Party founder Ross Perot's popularity jumped after he appeared alongside Democratic nominee Bill Clinton and President George Bush during the 1992 debates.
CNN: Third party hopefuls continue calls for inclusion in debates
Neither George Bush, nor Bill Clinton before him, has used the bully pulpit effectively to make the case for trade liberalisation to ordinary Americans.
And I think it is well established that those two now-former Presidents have a good relationship, as did President Bill Clinton with President George H.
Hillsborough County, in fact, has sided with the winner in every election since 1960, save once, when it chose George Bush senior over Bill Clinton, and no president has won Florida without also winning Hillsborough.
Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton each lost one cabinet appointee during their first terms.
Sometimes governors use this to their advantage, like Bill Clinton in 1992 and George W. Bush in 2000.
Bill Clinton and Special Envoy George Mitchell teamed up with Great Britain's Tony Blair to help bring Catholics and Protestants together.
That was certainly the case when I believe President George W. Bush had President Clinton to the White House for his portrait unveiling.
President George W. Bush, President Clinton, nominees for each party for years and years and years -- I think going back to 1976, this has been a very standard tradition.