Time, to borrow a theme from our FORBES colleague George Gilder, is the new scarcity.
The futurist George Gilder wrote about this a few years ago in a Forbes publication.
In the first issue of Forbes ASAP, in late 1992, we ran the kickoff to George Gilder's Telecosm series.
The high technology guru George Gilder and I have had a long-standing debate.
And lively contemporary writers, too, such as Tom Wolfe, George Gilder and P.
My friend George Gilder thinks entrepreneurs are on the side of God.
George Gilder , with whom I've had a running debate on the subject for years, certainly believes this is true.
Special Offer: Long before Facebook, George Gilder started a money-making social network for technology investors and entrepreneurs: Gilder Telecosm Forum.
Downton Abbey is what George Gilder would call the entropic disruption to the background noise of revolt against the old world.
FORBES: Down On Downton: Why The Left Is Torching Downton Abbey
But I can't gloat for too long, because, if the truth be known, my good friend George Gilder has waxed my tail.
George Gilder worries green eyeshade Republicans will conspire with Democrats to "solve" the budget crisis and "save" Social Security by raising taxes.
Click here more of George Gilder's analysis of technology and communications companies.
George Gilder rightly claims that the most consequential product in the second half of the 20th century, ahead of jet aircraft, is the microprocessor.
Technology guru George Gilder has not-so-facetiously suggested that when overseas graduate students complete their studies here, green cards should be embossed on their diplomas.
U.S. thinker George Gilder brings a useful perspective to this puzzle.
Easy, and if you don't believe me, read George Gilder or look into some of the projects underway at Intel and some of the new chip companies like MicroUnity.
However, unlike George Gilder, who makes no bones about his preference for talking technology applications over stocks, Murphy has actually expanded his letter business into a money management operation.
And tech oracle George Gilder thinks the fact that American venture capitalists are enamored with such companies, represents a dangerous approach to innovation that could potentially harm the U.S. economy.
FORBES: Gilder: American Venture Capitalists Are Focusing On Trivia
George Gilder, who sits down next week with Steve Forbes as part of the Intelligent Investing interview series, has made a lot of good technology calls in his life.
FORBES: Gilder Buys Into "Electronic Battleground Pioneer" ASOCS
One such person who saw Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, is Mary Ellen Gilder, a medical school student at Albany Medical College (and daughter of noted technologist and FORBES newsletter partner, George Gilder).
Merrill Lynch Internet analyst Henry Blodgett told us that Amazon.com--then trading in the 240s--would soon trade in the 400s. (It's now 16.) My friend and mentor George Gilder leaned back in his chair one day in 1995 and said Microsoft would fall at the hands of Netscape.
In his July 1999 Gilder Technology Report, George writes that Lucent already possesses the know-how to cram 864 fiber-optic strands, each carrying 5 trillion bits per second, into one cable sheath.