Gerald Ford had a newsworthy if regrettable talent for beaning spectators with his drives.
Gerald Ford was a particularly enthusiastic collector of boardroom seats after he left the White House.
What does he think, for example, of the fact that Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon?
Former presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and George Bush reflected on their experiences with volunteerism.
Mr Obama's popularity has fallen faster than that of any post-war president bar Gerald Ford.
The state once voted reliably for Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and its native son, Gerald Ford.
During the presidency of Gerald Ford, the then-Director of Central Intelligence (and future President) George H.
Gerald Ford, George Bush senior, and even Ronald Reagan clearly understood and honoured this fact.
We had such a situation in 1976, in the epic contest between Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan.
The departure from the South Lawn and the arrival at Gerald Ford International Airport are open press.
Likewise, stocks rose 38% in 1975 (though Gerald Ford, not Carter, was president) and 24% in 1976.
As commentators quickly pointed out, the President during the first swine-flu outbreak was a Republican, Gerald Ford.
The GOP was saluting Gerald Ford, then 87 years old, for his years of service to the party.
In 1976, Mr Carter unseated the incumbent Gerald Ford to become the 39th US president, serving until 1981.
The departure from Gerald Ford International Airport and the arrival at John F.
One speech that often receives attention in top 10 lists is President Gerald Ford's State of the Union address in 1975.
In 1976, incumbent President Gerald Ford challenged Democratic nominee Jimmy Carter to a debate, heralding a new era of presidential debates.
In 1974, Gerald Ford was sworn in as 38th president of the United States after the resignation of Richard Nixon became effective.
Last but not least, President Gerald Ford pardoned former president Richard Nixon.
A. plots, President Gerald Ford issued an executive order banning political assassinations.
Former President Gerald Ford, the nation's 38th president who turns 91 next month, said he and his wife will attend Reagan's funeral.
This concept is embodied in U.S. economic policy through the Earned Income Tax Credit, introduced in 1975 under Republican President Gerald Ford.
Shown here is a piece of charred wood found during a 1950s restoration of the White House overseen by then-Rep. Gerald Ford.
WSJ: 1812 | Canadian War Museum | Four Ways to Look at a War | By Mark Yost
Rockefeller went on to become Gerald Ford's Vice President a year later.
In 1976, Jimmy Carter was elected 39th U.S. President, defeating Gerald Ford.
"They sent a lot of letters to President Gerald Ford, " recalled Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played Spock, during the landing ceremony Friday.
That was the special election held to replace Rep. Gerald Ford (R-MI), who had become Nixon's vice president in the aftermath of Spiro Agnew's resignation.
Gerald Ford had become the most high-profile example of how the country and indeed, emergency room physicians, need better education on the signs of strokes.
Gerald Ford's commerce secretary was Rogers Morton, the Republican Party chairman.