Di Crosta said she believes it was Shuala, her German shepherd, who saved her family's life.
Lou Gehrig, one of the original Bronx Bombers, brought his German shepherd to Madison Square Garden.
The officer brought in a German shepherd police dog, Aldo, who focused on the truck's door handle.
Having walked all the way from Colorado with his German Shepherd Zeus, Logan seems disturbingly well qualified.
At Naushki, on the Russian side, a guard with a German shepherd briskly announced himself at our compartment.
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She found Ben, a black German shepherd puppy that, with the help of a trainer, became her service dog.
Adam Miller walked with his German shepherd, Tina, down a dirt road toward a small simulated village, rifle poised.
Family photos show the bonds of sisterhood at an early age: as ballerinas, on Santa's lap, playing with the family's German shepherd.
An appeal for information has been made after a German Shepherd dog was found in an Aberdeen car park with a fractured pelvis.
Police said the girl needed hospital treatment after being bitten on her arm and leg by the German Shepherd-type dog in Glossop on Thursday.
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And for the Rumble in the Jungle with Muhammad Ali, George Foreman brought to Africa his own German Shepherd as a reliable running companion.
"I haven't seen it like this since the blizzard in February, " said Lisa Horvath, a 32-year-old yoga instructor who was walking Eli, her German Shepherd.
The FBI tactical dog, a 2-year-old Czech German shepherd named Ape, had just completed its training a month ago and was on its second mission.
The working Belgian Malinois and a German Shepherd puppy were taken from the dog training centre to an emergency vets, but both later died from heat exhaustion.
Washington (CNN) -- Aldo the German shepherd and his human companions in law enforcement won an important Supreme Court appeal on Tuesday over vehicle searches for drugs and contraband.
In an interview last year with City and State, Mr. Katz said he agreed to dispose of a dead German Shepherd as a favor to an elderly patient and dumped the body after the clinic that was supposed to receive it was locked.
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In a series of exercises, a German shepherd named Bear quickly located a variety of explosives planted beneath cars, around a simulated town square, and in an old school bus, which Beltz says makes a good substitute for the interior of an airplane.
When the family goes off on vacation to Vietnam, Florence stays behind to take care of their German shepherd, Mahler, and to provide whatever support may be needed for Phillip's brother, Roger, newly arrived from New York via a mental institution that was treating him for depression.
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He survived a German-shepherd attack in which he lost part of an ear.
At the end of February German immigration authorities heard Mr Shepherd's case, and are currently examining his eligibility for asylum.