In clinical trials these substances have killed germs and showed potential in preventing cancer and fighting heart disease.
The link between germs and disease was first shown by Louis Pasteur in the 1860s.
Wrigley also agreed to remove labeling on the products that indicates they kill germs.
It's also difficult to know what germs are lurking in an airline's pillows and blankets.
Over 80% of cash tested carried germs that could be harmful to people with lowered immunity.
When it comes to germs, we all have a little Howard Hughes in us.
Man has accomplished something extraordinary, by being able to explore the gargantuan potential of germs.
Well, a London doctor is warning that the vuvuzela could also spread colds and flu germs.
That's the toll in the U.S. from germs that are resistant to existing medicines.
Officials also endorsed a controversial proposal for using irradiation to kill germs in meat.
Eliminate elevator buttons, cash transactions and other easily replaced vehicles for spreading germs in medical establishments.
Workers also must be vigilant about remaining healthy since working around children exposes them to constant germs.
He didn't want to use palm readers that required physical contact because that would easily spread germs.
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After scientists discovered the existence of germs in the 1860s, it took 60 years to invent antibiotics.
It covers just about everything you wanted to know about germs, but probably didn't know to ask.
With everyone touching a skeevy bar of soap or the soap dispenser, aren't we just recirculating germs?
For killing germs on your hands, alcohol has long been the go-to ingredient in many hand sanitizers.
This institute will use new gene-sequencing machines to study how infectious germs behave and evolve inside the body.
In small amounts for short times TNF helps rouse the body to repair wounds and defend against germs.
Most of the commonly used antibiotics today are derived from a soil-based order of germs known as Actinomycetales.
In fact, using germs, we can accomplish some of the biggest problems facing mankind, disease, hunger and pollution.
Which is good news if you're paranoid about swapping germs with all the other nose-pickers passing through security.
Another possibility is that children are being exposed to fewer germs, affecting the development of their immune systems.
The more people who touch and visit a spot, the more germs there are in the mix, they say.
CNN: Kissing, chewing -- the 'germiest ' tourist attractions
Bathing is important for removing germs from one's skin as well as washing away odors from sweat and dirt.
In the process, germs would be souped up to make ethanol, biobutanol or other fuels from plants like corn.
In the early days, for example, soap salespeople helped educate the public about germs and the importance of hygiene.
For all of these germs, the authors see very few new drugs being developed and rising rates of illness.
Though Elkay added antimicrobial agents to the mouth guards, fear of germs lingered.
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Its secret is silver, something doctors have used for decades to resist germs.