"This extended gestation period of the Thompson campaign is getting a little old, " Jeffe says.
Injaz, which means "achievement" in Arabic, was born after an "uncomplicated" 378-day gestation period, reports said.
The gestation period of Amur tigers, the world's largest big cat, is between 103 to 110 days.
The average gestation period of the six control babies was 33 weeks and their average weight 2, 075g.
Southern stingrays have a gestation period of about six months and the eggs hatch within the mother's body.
Dr. Gosnell also was accused of performing abortions beyond the maximum gestation period of 24 weeks, and related charges.
WSJ: Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Gosnell Convicted of Murder
Ami Dar: There was a flash of intuition, in the mid-eighties, and then a long gestation period until the site was launched in 1996.
The former were born after a gestation period of 27 weeks on average, compared with 31 weeks, and their average weight at birth was 820g, compared with 1415g.
Given our English tradition and the fermentive gestation period preceding the formal break with Great Britain, the Declaration itself was not seen as particularly important at the time of its creation.
Chinese deals often have a long gestation period.
ECONOMIST: The booming supply of new Chinese shares is about to peak
Still, the Economist offers some reason for hope, suggesting that perhaps the effects of the information technology remain to be seen, and we are in a gestation period during which the positive economic effects have yet to appear.
FORBES: The Economist: Innovation Almost Dead. Perhaps Not So In Electricity
"We're not a portfolio company that takes 5% of an enterprise, then after a period of gestation, sells out at a profit, " says Pangilinan.
The critical period was around 16 days - which is very late in mouse gestation, but corresponds to the first trimester in people.