"I really think the get-out-the-vote drives could be important, " said Latieke Sanford, a St.
Since neither party has a clear ideology, Paraguayan elections hinge on partisan enthusiasm and get-out-the-vote efforts.
The governing United Socialist Party of Venezuela deployed a well-worn, get-out-the-vote machine spearheaded by loyal state employees.
Because of a last-minute get-out-the-vote effort, Mehlman said Republicans won a majority of the very close races.
His aggressive "get-out-the-vote" effort now includes recording radio ads, telephone scripts, and interviews targeting African-American and Latino voters.
Neglect traditional get-out-the-vote organizing efforts in favor of riding around in a bus all day eating doughnuts with reporters.
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His ultimate success came from the work of historic get-out-the-vote efforts dominated by targeted messaging and digital behavioral tracking.
The DNC spots were funded with so-called "soft money" -- funds intended for party-building or get-out-the-vote drives, not for specific campaigns.
Democrats are split on how to deal with Acorn, the liberal "community organizing" group that deployed thousands of get-out-the-vote workers last election.
North Carolina Association of Educators mobilized a massive get-out-the-vote campaign for them.
Simply put, it's a big step from "liking" a Facebook page to joining a get-out-the-vote operation or distributing campaign literature in your neighborhood.
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Over three days of events, there is a scant three hours of discussion combined on technology, get-out-the-vote operations, and communicating with the media.
The groups can't coordinate with an individual campaign but are allowed to advocate for or against candidates with TV commercials, mailings and get-out-the-vote efforts.
Thanks to his vastly greater campaign chest, and his superior get-out-the-vote mechanisms, he could win all three, painting the whole of America's north-eastern quadrant Democratic blue.
Unions have mostly escaped attention in that debate, in part because they traditionally have spent much of their cash on other kinds of political activities, including get-out-the-vote efforts.
In return for generous campaign donations and get-out-the-vote support received from those unions, they grant generous wage rates and benefits, but they don't have to pay the bills.
But come the general election union members will still make fine get-out-the-vote foot soldiers for whoever wins the Democratic nomination, even if union bosses can no longer play kingmaker.
Before elections, candidates of both parties are happy to boast about their clever get-out-the-vote operations, special-interest campaigns or ballot initiatives designed to lure specific voter groups to the polls.
Prosecutors say that this was when the shadow campaign kicked into gear, lavishing funds on consultants, get-out-the-vote efforts and items, like T-shirts and yard signs, bearing the logo of the official Gray campaign.
ECONOMIST: A secret effort tainted the mayoral election of 2010
Then there is the Democratic candidate's get-out-the-vote effort.
Ultimately, the race will hinge on get-out-the-vote efforts and whether the new crop of young professionals come out to the polls, said Brigid Harrison, a professor of political science and law at Montclair State University.
It's fair to say that labor support, including a well-organized get-out-the-vote effort in swing states with big industrial cities, helped make the election as close as it was in 2004 and in 2000 as well.
The reform legislation still contains a controversial ban on so-called "soft money, " the money raised by national, state and local parties and purportedly used only for party-building and get-out-the-vote drives, rather than direct help for candidates.
In the meantime, the Republican and Democratic parties are unleashing the last of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of so-called "soft money" -- hard cash -- in the final barrage of campaign ads and get-out-the-vote efforts.
They are also evidence that Scott Jennings, my former White House colleague and now Romney Ohio campaign director, was accurate when he told me that the Buckeye GOP effort is larger than the massive Bush 2004 get-out-the-vote operation.
So this is just a profile of two people in Manchester, New Hampshire, who are behind some of the big fundraising effort and some of the get-out-to-vote effort in the New Hampshire primary.
In the crucial New Jersey Senate race, where a new poll Monday showed Republican Bob Franks moving into a slight lead, Democratic millionaire Jon Corzine is expected to spend millions out of his own pocket on the Election Day get-out-the vote effort.
Despite the message of the get-the-vote-out armies of either party, there are no messiahs, no crusaders in the system the Founders invented.
In the final analysis, then, the two parties go into the last hours of battle evenly matched, and the outcome will be determined by whose last-minute effort to get out the vote proves more impressive.
Sitting with a glass of iced-tea in the spacious home of Gary Whitlock - whose family all worship at Northland Church - he talked about how he had worked tirelessly to get out the vote for George W Bush.
BBC: NEWS | Americas | Could Christian vote desert Republicans?