"It seemed like a very difficult way to get a dog pregnant, " Mrs.
Sunday flight east, he called his girlfriend, who recommended he give Sierra some low-concentration hydrogen peroxide solution, which many recognize as a safe way to get a dog to vomit.
She told him she waited in line for three hours to get a hot dog, and that conditions on the ship were terrible.
Knowing there must be others like her, Shirk started 4 Paws in her apartment to help people who've been told they're ineligible to get a service dog.
But first he must get the dog into a harness, which does not come naturally to canines.
Because once you get leaned on by a dog who loves you, you just can't help but lean right back.
Once the artisans explain that they don't need to skin a dog to get its fur, most shoppers visibly relax.
WSJ: Knitting and Weaving Artisans Embrace 'Chiengora' Yarn From Dog Hair
The new leaflet explains how pet owners can get a pet passport for their dog, cat or ferret, and has advice on microchips and disease prevention.
What if the condo management put money in a community fund to pay for a droppings-cleaner, as needed, and used whatever was left at the end of the month for a get-together for all dog owners and their dogs?
WSJ: Dan Ariely's Battle Plan for a Condo's Dog Wars | Ask Ariely
Order a simple Famous Frankie, or get a bit international with their Irish hot dog, served with bacon.
After a few rounds of cards by candlelight, it became clear that life on the 10th floor with a dog was about to get less fun.
You get what you pay for--a dog's nose has 2 billion odor receptors, 40 times as many as a human's--but there are limits to what even the military is willing to spend on an animal.
He was a dirt dog, he informed me, and he was going to get a ball.
This was a TV show about sheepdog trials: you know the sort of thing, can a dog round up the sheep and get them into the pen, as in that movie, Babe.
"It used to be at an airport you could get anything you wanted--as long as it's a hot dog or a piece of cold pizza, " jokes Greg Principato, president of the North American Region of the Airports Council International.
To help dog owners get comfortable with the arrangement, Mr. Foronda creates a blog for each pooch on its inaugural visit, and updates it with photos of their adventures.
And you get RBDS station and track info, which is a nice new trick to teach an old dog.
It could take five years to reach the miscellaneous category and then another few years to get into one of the club's seven groups most likely as a "sporting dog, " a variety that includes cocker spaniels and golden retrievers.
In a bid to get the EU ban, Paul uses this lobbying power with EU trade Commissioner Peter Mandleson - because he is a dog lover.
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