Taipei did not get around to declaring an emergency until five days after the quake.
Three years to get around to addressing the issue and another three years to fix it?
Mr Klaus says he will get around to Lisbon only once everyone else has endorsed it.
Major League Baseball didn't even get around to testing players until four years ago.
If employees have to opt into a pension scheme, many will never get around to it.
What's to say workers will actually get around to saving, or that they'll invest what they save wisely?
No doubt some excessively clever director will soon get around to staging "Romeo and Juliet" in an assisted-living facility.
Do you wait for EA to finally get around to doing a Road Rash reboot themselves with an actual full-fledged budget?
Treasury didn't get around to issuing proposed regulations until 11 years later.
Perhaps when I've retired I will get around to writing that book.
"Sorry, I didn't get around to shaving this morning, " he says by way of introduction--even he seems to be a work in progress.
Feel free to ask any bedbug related questions and when i get around to it i will answer as many as i can.
FORBES: Bed Bugs In Taxis?! New Bed Bug Report (Summer Camps and Hospitals, Too)
While the co-founders agreed that this did not reflect the true ownership structure, they took some time to get around to formalizing that.
FORBES: A Cautionary Tale: Friendship, Business Ethics, and Bad Breakups (Acts I and II)
And to have done so much, he must have been an extremely good organiser to get around to all these places in those days.
Mr Daniels reckons that for the few children whose parents actually get around to using the vouchers, it may make a lifetime of difference.
Some people have a problem because they hesitate, or never get around to buying the thing, while others have issues because they spend too much.
The farmer says that by the time authorities do get around to it years from now, he will have found another lucrative crop to grow.
This odd arrangement is one of the reasons I rent a bicycle every year: to get around to all the hotels efficiently and visit these folks.
Stormont may get around to discussing the McArdle affair by the time officials in the finance department report back on the procedures regarding special advisers' appointment.
BBC: Mary Travers killer controversy too recent for Stormont
It is concerned that, should it ever get around to building its space plane, the definitions in the bill may, or may not, cover its vehicle.
No matter how long you wait, when they do get around to flying you to your destination, they still get the money you paid for your flight.
FORBES: Making Bad Travel Worse: Did Airlines Cancel Early For Hurricane Sandy?
But there's a straightforward reply, arising from the observation that the vast majority of the public support organ donation, though few get around to signing the donor register.
This week's statement at least shows that India's leaders are trying to master subcontinental security, even if it has taken them four years to get around to it.
If someone loans me a DVD to watch it might take me two or three months to get around to it, if I get around to it at all.
FORBES: Game of Thrones? Arrested Development? Ain't No Entrepreneur Got Time For That.
Then, when you finally get around to using the Bluetooth kit, there's usually the tricky process of "pairing" a phone with a headset, which isn't always clear--especially for first-time users.
They have divergent positions on the Doha Round talks, but this may not be an important factor, especially if nations get around to recognizing that these trade negotiations are dead in any event.
Earlier this year the British Kidney Patient Association said 70% of British adults were willing for their organs to be donated, but very few actually get around to signing up for a donor card.
Whether it is a struggling salesman, a struggling product, or a struggling company, the single biggest reason why they fail is that they are so busy assuming that they never get around to asking.
FORBES: Do You Think Like Steve Jobs? Take this Quiz and Find Out
After you lose 20 pounds, get in shape, polish up your high-school French, and write that novel, you may get around to pursuing some self-help regimen that will eliminate this flaw from your personality.