Dorothy spent much of the Wizard of Oz trying to figure out how to get back home.
Now that we're in the digital age, don't be afraid to change your photographs on your computer when you get back home.
For Carey's character, figuring out how to get back home isn't easy.
The first is making sure that counseling support for our troops is there in theater as well as when they get back home.
To win and then to get back home and to see the birth of our first child would be obviously a dream come true.
"But I didn't find out until I got there that they didn't have power either, so now I need gas to get back home, " she said.
While some homeowners and advocates have complained the "Rapid Repairs" program got off to a slow start, Bloomberg and residents of a Sandy-ravaged island heralded it Friday as a first-time initiative that helped about 54, 000 get back home.
Many Haitians complain that the government did not do enough to prepare for the storms, did not warn people to evacuate, was not able to rescue people who were trapped and now has no plan to get people back home.
Froch will surely hope he can get back on home soil in Nottingham - even just to eliminate the ludicrous scoring which saw him lose the fight by six rounds on one judge's scorecard - but it could yet be in Berlin or even Birmingham.
Toshiba sees DVD as a golden opportunity to get back in the home electronics game.
But when they tried to get back to their home in Pennsylvania, Richard was denied entrance to the United States.
The Coxes would like to get back into the home building business.
The guitarist Nils Lofgren was on the phone, trying to figure out flights to get back to his home, in Scottsdale, for the weekend.
She managed to get back into her home before dialling 999.
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"Returning to England allows me to get intensive treatment back home and work with people who have helped me overcome injuries in the past, " Flintoff told BBC Five Live.
Remote working technologies make it easy for her to have a flexible schedule and enable her to get back online from home to wrap-up any remaining tasks from the day if needed.
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It's no wonder many don't want to get on the flight back home.
We were simply reluctant to say anything that would get in the papers back home and cause a stir.
One store clerk told her there was no way she could get gas to go back home, she said.
Glenn Ferguson had a glorious chance to get the home side back in the game but his header went just over the bar.
If they call me back, I am on the next plane out there and I will do my job, do my time, and get home and back to my family.
And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
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It gave her an idea for a project back home, if her colleagues can get their equipment back from police.
To make things even worse, he had so much fun on the trip that it took him three days once he got home to get back up to speed.
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And we can come together and work hard and bring this home and get back to the business of giving our children the country that we know we want them to have.
The Bank Mandiri accounts allow the overseas workers to deposit their pay back home and get help with their finances, but their true value lies in the future, says Riza Zulkifli, senior vice president of retail for the bank.
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Buscemi doesn't know if his friends back home will even get to see the film he's directed.
If we can get the support of more people back home, we'll be able to send over a lot more filters.