"The Apollo 17 rock never had the chance to get into that museum because the fire was in 1973, " he added.
MSN: Alaska's lost moon rocks back after theft, arson and more
"If the products represent a fire hazard, they will not get into the US market, " a source who asked not to be identified told IDG News Service Tuesday.
CNN: EU proposals aim to reduce electronic waste
And once we opened the court up, we could get into the lane and make plays and fire up shots.
NPR: Thunder Holds Off Clippers To Win 108-104
Astrium's plan to tackle defunct satellites is to use an unmanned chase spacecraft to get in range, fire a barbed harpoon into the body of the rogue hardware and then use a smaller propulsion unit attached to a tether to tow it back towards the atmosphere where it will burn up safely on re-entry.
CNN: Space harpoon plan to nail orbital garbage
Two bogus police officers tried to get into the house of jeweller two days before his body was found in a fire at his property, Sussex Police have said.
BBC: Michael Griffiths
Unable to get enough leverage, Officer McClintick came out into the hallway, directly under the attic opening and under fire, to grab Marshal Ley and pull him out of the kill zone and into the bathroom.
WHITEHOUSE: Background on Medal of Valor Ceremony