The government has been keen to promote shared ownership as a way to help people get on to the property ladder.
Before I get on to the game itself the biggest headline for me was the creation of a new range of Disney toys.
"I don't have much sympathy at the minute, " says one woman as she struggles to get on to the transfer bus with her young son.
Overall, most children (89%) can get on to the internet via a computer at home but according to E-Learning Foundation this figure masks a divide between rich and poor.
Based on Bank of Scotland's own data, the average price paid by someone looking to get on to the property ladder was affordable for someone on average earnings in 77% of local authority areas.
But, despite the fact they claimed to have enough support between them to get on to the ballot paper, Mr McDonnell failed to get close to the 45 nominations needed to go ahead and, on Wednesday evening, conceded defeat.
Suffice to say there's a lot of good stuff coming. 2013 is going to be a great year for Engadget, and we're glad you'll be there to join us, but for now let's get on to the week in tech.
The force said most of these get fewer than 10 callers a day and the cuts will enable 38 officers to get back on to the streets.
How could I stay abreast of what was going on in my house if, when the snow came, my every footstep in the yard would leave a trail of incrimination and such clear proof of a prowler on the grounds as to get Diana on the phone to the town police?
To get the powder on to the bees, Exosect has produced traps that fit into the entrance of hives.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Sticky bees combat insect pests
"We went there to get ourselves on to the next rung and see where that takes us, " he says.
Now, would that work as a way for them to probably convince most fans to get on board with the idea, to get audiences on board as well, to entice people to see a direct sequel to TDKR plus the return of the Joker and a new Batman actor?
FORBES: What Warner Would Probably Do If They Continued Nolan's Batman
Once identified, a nurse visits the patient with an iPad to get check on the patient, get details on medication and use the record to follow up regularly.
FORBES: In Managed Care, Data Plus Integration Plus Rules Equals Information
And it also backed an amendment sponsored by Republican John McCain and Democrat Edward Kennedy that allows the millions of undocumented workers already in the country to get on the road to citizenship, provided they pay a thousand dollar fine, that they pass criminal background checks, and that they apply for a green card.
"The best way for us to react is to push ahead with the marathon, to get people on the streets and to celebrate it as we always do in London -- and to send a very clear message that we won't be cowed by this sort of behavior, " Sport Minister Hugh Robertson had earlier told the BBC.
The next thing to do is to figure out what you must accomplish in the next year to get on the right trajectory to reach this longer-term goal.
FORBES: The One Place Where All Successful Entrepreneurs Start
As Americans flock to the Web to get updates on the weather, visitors to Weather Underground will be greeted with a new streamlined design.
Menchov went to pick up his crashed bike but the mechanic shouted to get on the new one and the Russian rode the unblemished machinery home to claim the race.
Some of the conditions we have to work and operate in for long periods of time lack basic things like electricity and running water, before you get on to providing the security that we're there to do.
The most important thing for an investor trying to get in on the solar bottom to know is not the most efficient manufacturers today, but the most efficient when the market begins to revive, and when solar manufacturers will return to profitability.
We hear complaints that it's possible for someone on the West Coast to get a friend on the East Coast to beam them "Desperate Housewives" three hours ahead of time.
ENGADGET: The Engadget Interview: Blake Krikorian, CEO of Sling Media
To get on the ballot, the Nader campaign has to get the signatures of 1, 000 registered voters in one day or submit 15, 000 signatures statewide.
We are treating it on a day-to-day basis just to get me out on to the pitch.
As an investor in the Super Bowl, to get the best balance and to get the best return on that investment, is a balanced approach, using it both for continuing to build the equity of our iconic brands and then using it as a platform for bringing awareness to our new innovation.
FORBES: Behind The Brand: CMO Paul Chibe On Anheuser-Busch's Super Bowl Ad Moves
According to the Lib Dems, the way to achieve that is to trust teachers and doctors to get on with the job and to give them plenty of money.
Even before the causeway was built around 70 years ago, children were able to wade through the shallow waters of Mulroy Bay on stilts to get to school on the mainland.
Through one connection made while doing volunteer work for his area's Jewish community, he said, he managed to get on the phone with the secretary to the CEO of one of the U.S. banks that had received some of the stolen money and ask for restitution.
"We don't want to miss out on an opportunity to get in on the ground level and EIRs are a proven way to find seed investments, " he says.
Vieira's run drove through the heart of the Rovers midfield and, after passing to Tevez on the right, the veteran midfielder continued his run to get on the end of his team-mate's cross and tap in.
Japan were still competing gamely though and when Mortlock tugged Hirotoki Onozawa's jersey to concede the penalty, Ono stroked the ball through the posts to get his side on the scoreboard to the delight of the crowd.