Investors could and should get real excited about a larger screen iPhone or an iWatch.
Another formidable new entry to college and pro circuits is Get Real Sports Sales.
To get real results we need to engage conscientious, hard-working people in the effort.
Any business, like an automobile, has to be driven properly in order to get real market mileage.
Devotees of the unlimited data plan, get real: there is no such thing as a free lunch.
Prof Davies said healthy children would get real benefits from avoiding flu, which could be a "miserable" disease.
Now they're going to get real-time data to see how widespread the problem really is in the state.
Many suppliers are connected to HP via the Internet and get real-time consumption data and automatic replenishment orders.
This would encourage the investment and innovation necessary to get real broadband capacity into homes and small offices.
No, I mean let's get real, we're pretty comfortable and taken care of.
Mr Mahuad, it says, must not only get real deficit-cutting measures through Congress, but be tough on weak banks.
"I guess we'll have to get real jobs or something, " says Mr. Archer.
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As we get real about cloud we will institute some substantial changes in our cultures and approaches to cloud investments.
Brands can get real like this and get into the sustainability debate, or they can have sustainability dictated to them.
He cannot simply print a note, available in unlimited quantities, and expect to get real goods and services for it.
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It would be truly interesting to get real insight into the beliefs of the wealthiest in the U.S. on this topic.
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They need to get real about real growth in the U.S. economy.
For Republicans to be credible again, they must get real on money.
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Can we as marketers get real and become the advocate for authenticity.
You can go out there and test things and do some fairly innovative products and innovative business models and get real-time feedback.
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We must reform our intelligence services so that we get real-time information.
You know, we get real exercise for about two weeks and then...
The urgency to change in the face of global competition can galvanize a company to get real about working together more effectively too.
Most important, you have to be a good, followable leader, in order to get real answers and respond to them in useful ways.
Often, for all the advance work, they can't get real information until they show up in a nearby town and work with local guides.
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In order to get real GDP growth figures you collect the nominal GDP figures (fairly easy) and then adjust them by the inflation rate.
"When you start out with a mom-and-pop trusting approach, you have to get real hardened real fast, " says James Pappas, e-commerce manager for Lafayette, Ind.
Maybe instead of waiting for someone to part the waters for us, the other 99% of us need to get real and start building some bridges.
But as I said in my speech to the Open University, to get real accountability we need to draw upon traditional means as well as modern.