At the time they planned to construct a nationwide WiMax network. (See: "Clearwire Buddies Up With Sprint") Sprint and Clearwire couldn't get the deal off the ground, though, and called the whole thing off in November.
At the time they planned to construct a nationwide WiMax network. (See: "Clearwire Buddies Up With Sprint") Sprint and Clearwire couldn't get the deal off the ground, though, and called the whole thing off four months later in November.
At the time they planned to construct a nationwide WiMax network. (See: "Clearwire Buddies Up With Sprint") Sprint (nyse: S - news - people ) and Clearwire (nasdaq: CLWR - news - people ) couldn't get the deal off the ground, though, and called the whole thing off in November.
At the time they planned to construct a nationwide WiMax network. (See: "Clearwire Buddies Up With Sprint") Sprint (nyse: S - news - people ) and Clearwire (nasdaq: CLWR - news - people ) couldn't get the deal off the ground, though, and called the whole thing off four months later in November.
Anu Ojha believes that unless the venture is 100% underwritten at this stage it won't get off the ground.
Most didn't get off the ground because of design issues, fabrication problems or a lack of funding.
WSJ: Flight of Fancy: The Sky's the Limit for Team That Rises to the Occasion
Though it very nearly didn't get off the ground to begin with.
"All five were ornamental chickens and couldn't get off the ground and the roundabout has no trees with low branches for them to escape from predators, " she said.
The programmes don't just help nascent firms get off the ground.
One of Boeing's most anticipated new aircraft can't seem to get off the ground.
While they can't promise to get you off the ground any faster, they can promise more fun while you wait.
"I don't know how hitters ever get the ball off the ground with him, " said Andy Etchebarren, Rice's manager with the independent-league York Revolution.
They're worried that if a simple investment tax credit, set to expire at the end of the year, isn't renewed, it could doom their industry just as it's starting to get off the ground.