"It doesn't get stuck in your head and annoy you but it doesn't lull you to sleep and bore you either, " says Russell Jones, from Condiment Junkie.
French fries won't get stuck in your car seat, just in your pants.
But it would ultimately force the central bank to buy such securities as foreign bonds, corporate bonds and Japanese government bonds and possibly even land, to make sure that the money finally begins to circulate and doesn't get stuck in a banking sinkhole again.
"Having visited Margate over the past few months and seen the grassroots creative revolution that is taking place, we are thrilled, nay cock a hoop, at the potential of the place and can't wait to get stuck in, " he said.
Michael: I can't get out mate, I'm stuck in the back because there's the caravan at the side of the house and there's smoke all downstairs.
The difficulty is that the spice doesn't break down very fast and can get stuck in the throat, causing gagging and even vomiting.
WSJ: Cinnamon Challenge: Just a Spoonful Makes the Internet Rounds
Unlike many of its peers, it stuck to commercial lending and didn't get tangled up in the subprime mess.
It can become potentially problematic because companies can get stuck with older inventory that won't sell, resulting in a write-off.
For instance, the elaborate system of manifolds and pipes had to be designed to avoid any 90-degree corners, so the bulky material used in the junk shot didn't get stuck.
The problem is when you get stuck in the pack things happen and you can't do anything about it because you just don't have the speed.
Aides said Kerry meant to jab at Bush and say "get us stuck in Iraq, " and that he didn't appreciate Clinton piling onto the criticism he was already getting for the remark.
But unusually high tides in January 1912 meant the icebergs didn't get stuck.
Maybe so, but if wireless folks don't get more spectrum, it's going to be a big whale stuck in a wading pool.
The narrator is a sensitive cad who's stuck in a relationship (or two) he can't seem to get out of.
Or stuck in a part-time job they can't survive on, unable to get any more hours.
Now that I'm older, I see many people stuck in jobs they don't like because it's the only way they can get health insurance.